From the anime series Mobile Fighter G Gundam, this is the second Gundam representing Neo Japan, built to replace the trashed Shining Gundam. It becomes the main character's Gundam for the second half of the series.
The God Gundam is known as the Burning Gundam, according to the English dub of G Gundam.
Domon Kasshu pilots the God Gundam in the Gundam Fight Finals.
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The act of getting raped by a Gundam with a 10 foot penis or vagina
Man 1: Did you hear what happened to jonni?
Man 2: No, What happened?
Man 3: He got Gundam Raped.
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The most powerful gundam ever created. The sattilite cannon it has can destroy a area the size of australia when properly charged.
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Thechibi gundamof SD Gundam Force and protecter of Neotopia. He has a re-equipring that permits him to transform from civillian mode to combat mode. He's kinda stiff and doesn't understand emotions. He has a souldrive and is Shute's best friend. He has recieved special dispensation to use firearms in the protection of Neotopia and suggests that the enemy lay down their weapons and whithdrawl at once.
This is Captain Gundam! He's my best friend.
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The Gundam Swing is when either You suit up into your Gundam Robot and pound the SHIT out of your girlfriend. This is a sexual position that your signifigant other usually doesnt survive
the Gundam Swing :"Suit Up!", Tom screamed as he Proceeded to annihilate his girlfriend's twat with his heat beam
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The gayest gundam so far. A show that is a detailed yet horribly boring gundam spin-off. Trys to be a soap opera way to hard even though it's fucking anime.
G Gundam is the only gundam show worth watching.
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An action describing when all of your gundams get together and fuck until their plastic bits melt off
gundam 1: hey gundam 2 and 3, lets have a gundam orgy.... gundam 2 and 3: okay! lets have a gundam orgy