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Kankle Harvest

A time span running from february 14th to march 23rd. where the U.S. government harvests the kankles of all citizens over 100 pounds. they take a knife and cut off the kankle where it is then shipped to New York to the kankle processing plant which turns the kankles into thousands of rubber based products. often used as an alternative energy source to fight global warming.the government encourages the new obesity of its citizens so that they can use their kankles for manufacture and trade as well a powersupply as kankles are form of oil.

o dear jesus my kankle are big enough yet kankle harvest.

by kanklesauresrex March 5, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kankles McGouty

A person who concurrently has fat ankles and gout

The guy with with fat ankles just got a case of kankles mcgouty

by WAGSparty July 31, 2019

kankle spanker

someone who continusly strokes their kankles until they reach their maximum level of pleasure.

timmy is a kankle spanker

by spencer December 20, 2004

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Kankle Temper

Often referred to women who have kankles and are extremely angry.

My boss is so angry right now, I'm scared to go back to her room in case she has another kankle temper!

by Yuri Gojirah October 10, 2010


See above ^

Rikki Stephens is the Kankle-Monster

by Petardi July 3, 2010

Kankle Bandit

A person who enjoys having sex with the fat rolls of a kankle. Often used as an insult

oh my god i hate Karren so much, shes such a kankle bandit

by M@son July 8, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


when someone with kankles constantly denies the fact even when all of his/her friends tell him/her that it is true.

whats wrong with Chad? He's in kankle-denial.

by smilingjew February 18, 2011