cutest guy ever. he will keep you forever. he is the most loyal guy you will meet. he has a seven incher or more. he alwase will be insecure and sad but even if he has gone through alot he will alwase keep a smile on the face. but he cryes every night. about them hoes who broke him
de lamo is defined as a cool guy, diego is nice
diego de lamo is difined as the best bf
Lamo is a word dylan made up in a group chat on Instagram
Why are you so annoying lamo aka lmao
A misspelled version of LMAO of LMFAO.
Friend: What?
Me: Oh I mean LMAO 😂
Betty: how do trees go online?
Betty: THEY JUST LOG IN lamo
Gesture of excitement in Islamic Culture
Smash Ultimate announced for the Nintendo PC . lamo!
Smash Ultimate Coming December 7th 2018. LAMO!!!
No Subspace Emissary tho. lamo :(