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Who the fuck even knows what this means anymore. The dictionary definition of liberal is someone who gives freely, but the word is now used by stick-up-the-ass politicians who think that all liberals want to turn America into a communist country and are baby rapists/murderers/terrorists/jews as a synonym for "bad." Their followers, a.k.a douchebags who think they know everything about politics because they once saw an advertisement on TV for Michelle Bachmann also use the word like this.
Often accompanied by words like "media," "spoonfed," and "commies."

Hey guys, check out this awesome drinking game I came up with! Let's listen to a Herman Cain speech, and every time we hear the word "liberal," we take a drink!

by EyeLawsDugAim November 28, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most butchered and corrupt word in the English language.

Originally meant somebody who believes in individual liberty and personal sovereignty, now means the complete opposite. Modern "liberalism" is an authoritarian collectivist ideology that is much closer to fascism and Communism than classical liberalism, with modern liberals believing that big government is the solution to every problem.

The funny part is the actual reason behind the corruption of this word, which was conservatives calling statist-socialists "too liberal" for supporting things like the legalization of homosexuality, the separation of church and state and soft drug laws.

Modern liberal: I support freedom of speech for everyone but extremists and haters.
Classical liberal: Everyone should have freedom of speech no matter how far their views stretch from the norm, after all it is those for whom freedom of speech exists to protect.

Modern liberal: People shouldn't be allowed to own guns because they're dangerous.
Classical liberal: When guns are criminalized, only criminals have guns. Everyone should have the right to defend themself and their property from criminals and tyrannical governments with a firearm.

Modern liberal: Marijuana should be decriminalized, taxed and regulated by the government.
Classical liberal: All drugs should be completely legalized to be grown and traded by whoever wants to grow and trade them. What somebody grows, trades or smokes is up to them, not the government.

Modern liberal: A high income tax is a necessity.
Classical liberal: Income tax is theft by thugs with guns.

Modern liberal: The government should be there to make sure people don't make bad decisions.
Classical liberal: People should take more personal responsibility for themselves.

by I wish I had a wittier name March 2, 2009

120๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


Liberalism is the belief in a large and powerful centralized government. This does not mean that every liberal is a communist, but it also doesn't mean any thing about "looking after the oppressed" like so many seem to think it is.
As far as modern liberalism goes, they usually support issuses such as abortion, socialized health care, and the anit-war movement.
Many of todays liberals are composed of college age and younger teens who tend to be more ideological(i.e war is bad in all cases.)

Liberals:Al Gore, John Kerry, and that sister that went to collage and then came back screeching about the plight of wemon in this country

by meatsnacked March 16, 2008

71๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who supports no restrictions on somewhat out of the lime light issues (homosexuality, bestiality, criminals, terrorists, communists, dictators, assholes, lawyers, abortion, social responsibility, morals, pedophiles, etc.) yet wants lots of government supervision and restrictions on other issues (gun control, Christianity, war {no war at all}, generally things conservatives support) contradicting their own beliefs. They are not bad people, contradictory to what some people say, but many of the things they support in the hope of bettering society are actually quite damaging. This does not mean they do not improve society either. Conservatives are the opposite of Liberals, and these rules apply to them too, with their extremest beliefs harming and improving society in different ways. It is arguable that a balance of beliefs is the best for society; unfortunately, conservatives and liberals hate each others guts, and rarely if ever discuss topics together or come to a mutual conclusion.

Johnny was a liberal, and he believed that in terms of sexuality and religion, anything was fair game, but he also thought that the federal government should be more powerful than the state governments and that issues such as gun control should closely regulated by the government.

by Republocrat July 3, 2006

107๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person with a rather quixotic outlook on life. Someone who fails to note the plausibility in their thinking and focuses on perfecting an already functioning system. A person who doesn't realize that free healthcare entails raised taxes which would end up amounting to the same thing, if not more, as non-free healthcare. A liberal would preffer to abolish the death penalty entirely on account of its injustice but is for abortion (I too I am for abortion, I'm simply making a point.) The rights of a convicted murderer, rapist, or both seem to be more important than those of a wouldbe innocent child. According to every political spectrum test I have ever taken, I am a liberal. Oh well.

People should drop titles and simply make dicisions based on common sense. I'm liberal on certain issues--Conservative on others. This is not an example, but I was forced to make one.

by Annnnnnonymous March 5, 2006

97๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who breaks with tradation
someone who belives in governental controlls of monetary interactions, but freedom of personal actoins.

He's liberal - with my money.

by boohay July 20, 2003

125๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is basically dead weight to society, and does not contribute anything. They rely on the government to do everything for them and believe that people's fates are determined not by how hard they work, but by what their government does for them.

Those liberals over there do nothing but smoke pot, and take up space, and talk about how they will change the world, yet their methods of fighting poverty have been scientifically proven by economists and other experts in related fields to be ineffective.

by 1337 speaka July 11, 2008

150๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž