Someone who typically says random facts and quips and literally no one asked. These people normally have multiple disabilities, surprisingly their down syndrome isn't the reason for their micropenis. Doesn't have bitches.
Riley: "Luggage Lafulglock go buy a gun"
Luggage Lafulglock: "ah yes, the peak of German engineering"
Riley: "What?"
I usually bail from a strange girl's flat right after dropping off my nut luggage
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When you put all of your clothes on a midget who is wearing roller skates, and pull him like luggage.
I'm pulling my human luggage through the air port right now.
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Refers to the scrotal region of a homosapien male. This sack usually contains two (2) reproductive organs known to the lay-person as nuts or balls. Also known as Cock Satchel.
Do I have to pay a carry-on surcharge for my Penis Luggage?
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Someone who's bedonkadonk has gotten so big that the phrase "junk in the trunk" no longer suffices and her ass now resembles the cargo hold of a 747 Jumbo Jet.
"Dude, what happened with that chick from Saturday?"
"Well, when I sobered up I realized she resembled a rhino, but that didn't stop me from sticking it in her luggage compartment!"
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The "bags" under your eyes formed due to lack of sleep.
"Man, when was the last time you slept? You`ve got some serious eye luggage going on there."
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When 2 people who each have their own emotional baggage get together.
Robyn is a divorced mom of 5 and Jeff has 3 pfa's against him, i cannot believe they are hooking thats some mixed luggage!
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