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Don't Tase Me, Bro!

In reference to Andrew Meyer being tasered at the Univervisy of Florida. Synonymous with "get off my case" or "give me a break." If someone is bustin' your balls, and you want them to lay off.

Mike: "Hey man, you sure are a dumbass for fucking it up with that hot chick last night.

Derek: "Hey, don't tase me, bro! I was drunk!"

by panjialang September 20, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't tase me, bro

Phrase uttered by Andrew Meyer at a University of Florida event at which John Kerry was speaking. Meyer, after committing the apparent crime of asking long-winded and potentially rhetorical questions, was arrested by several officers and forced to the ground. After questioning the logic behind his arrest, and asking if he could leave, it was decided by the University police force that the only course of action was to tase him into submission.

Cop: Hey, this isn't a free-speech zone. Either shut your dirty mouth or I get to play with this electro-shock weapon the state was dumb enough to issue me"

Guy: Hey, don't tase me, bro.

Cop: That's it.


by J. Eklow September 21, 2007

205๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

She wants me Bro

This statement is used to describe the type of guy that always thinks girls like them or want to take a relationship to the next level. Often times the guy has very Narcissistic tendencies and has an over inflated opinion of them selves. Often used in school cultures that have a high machismo aspect and the guys can't imagine that a girl couldn't like them.
Often times the statement follows when a girl acts normal but the guy takes it as a major romantic interest.
Occasionally the guy is correct but the lack of humbleness shows his character to be very egocentric.

Jo went up to Monica and she was talking about class work. She looked at him and Jo took that look to mean that he was so attractive that he immediately thought that "She wants Me bro. Jo then turned to all his friends and told them she wants me bro.

by Coach Hay , Monica MC November 17, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't taze me bro

An ironic catch phrase used to mitigate chastisement esp. from one's peers (not gender specific). Similar in meaning to cut me some slack.

Nicole: Did you burn popcorn again?
Andrew: Hey, don't taze me bro, I swear the microwave's evil.

by (([Mike])) September 25, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't tase me, bro

Don't tase me, bro! From a john kerry q&a when one student started asking questions and going a tad rampant with them in which the cops tased him.

striketh me not with yon lightning box brethren. Striketh me not with yon lightning box!! I madeth no offence!!! Alack! Alaaack!!!!(Don't tase me, bro in medieval times)

by Justin Swatloski September 23, 2007

172๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't tase me bro

What a rude, camera hogging hippie screams when the cops put a couple thousand volts through his sorry ass when he won't comply. One such hippie, Andrew Meyer, immortalized these very words when cops at the University of Florida zapped the SOB cause he refused to leave when told to. Rather than follow the rules for the discussion, Meyer used profane words, which he knew would result in the mic being cut off, so he could grab a few lines for his lame-ass online rants. He's more of a tabloid style journalist than a proper one, the type that has to create news instead of reporting it. Anyone who says he wasn't resisting the cops hasn't seen the video. Jumping up and down like a fucking jack rabbit(or in his case, jack ass) and trying to force your way back to the mic isn't what you would call cooperative behavior. End result: one slightly crispy hippie. Questioning authority is a good thing, but doing it just for it's own sake and the chance to get attention is a waste of air and taking up the time for legitimate anti-establishment people.

Cops: Sir you need to leave.
Me: fuck you im exercising my right to free speech so i can get attention and pussy from the hippie chicks.
(cop pulls out taser)
Me: Oh shit!!! Don't tase me bro!

by Eviljack78 September 30, 2007

100๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't tase me, bro

Phrase used by young white Americans to laugh about how their human rights are regularly stomped on and ignored, as they piss it all away in a drunken stupor, because for now they're safe from the shit that everyone else in the world has to go through.... for now....

"Hey man, did you see that guy say 'don't tase me, bro'?? Man, that was almost as funny as when they killed Martin Luther King, killed those people in Waco and killed those college kids in Ohio! Let's drink some beer, eat some red meat and laugh at everyone who isn't fat, white, rich or American!"

by osibisa November 1, 2007

138๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž