A moog is an internet troll who is so dumb they refute any idea based solely on the fact it makes them uncomfortable, so they make fun of it but deep down they fear it to be true. See cognitive dissonance, idiot, sheep
This poster is trolling our thread trying to distract readers from the topic...get a life you fucking moog!
The onomatopoeic word which one says to imply the retardation of a situation, or as if to say "Ooooh my fucking god."
- Pronounced in a growling fashion with the extended 'm' sound. The intensity of the growl, coupled with the length of the 'oo' sound dictates how retarded the situation has gotten.
Did you see Abdul in that fight? The other guy didn't even touch him. He dropped himself... Moog.
When someone is doing something you don’t like, or something that is wrong, basically an insult, you call them a Moog. Or, if they are really pissing you off, you call them a Mon Moog. Which is the worse version of a Moog.
You stole this purse you moog! You Mon Moog, I’ll kick your ass!
Moog is a word you call somebody when they are doing something bad, or wrong, or something you don’t like.
A Mon Moog is something different. It’s when somebody is really pissing you off, or really bad. and you want to express it.
You Moog! Why did you do that?! You Mon Moog!
Someone who is not admirable. A person not to be imitated.
"Peanut has been a moog for the past few days."
"Be a boog, not a moog."