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Einen Scheiß muss ich!

Unfriendly responds to someone who‘s telling you that you have to to something.

Literally translated: I’ve got to do shit!

Chuck, du musst das bis Freitag fertig haben.
Einen Scheiß muss ich!

by Hainerthecat October 24, 2017


A Turks and Caician commonly used word, that is used as an invisible word. It is seen as a word that adds emphasis to a sentance.

Yo Josh did you go to lunch today? Josh: Musse

by Ashwin.snixpe December 1, 2021

Muss los

Muss los is a german word who is used to say when you see/do something crazy. It means "have to go".

*Sees a flying Dog
Me: Bruder muss los

by LarryLobsterStoleMyFuckingCar November 15, 2019

bruder muss los

Often used in uncomfortable situations, meaning "Bro, must go"

*You make something stupid, and decide to run off* bruder muss los

by wwwitch December 11, 2018

Muss puss

Muss puss the description of a stinky enlarged clit.

Damn bro I had to leave she had a muss puss

“She needs to clean that shit

by Mussypussy July 17, 2021


Mussing or being mussed is black out state after a couple of drinks.

After drinking Rusian Bear Tony begins mussing around.

by realmuss December 28, 2021


Term for waffling, or lying about something that had happened. When you know that someone is lying or boasting about something that has happened and you want to call them out.

Friend: I drove a car at the age of 6
Me: Please stop mussing.

by murrcus February 10, 2022