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Nene e nenes!

This is an albanian word. 1.A despicable or very unpleasant person or thing. Or 2.
a person or thing of a specified kind, especially one that is formidable, remarkable, or impressive in some way.

''that cover photo proves he is one talented nene e nenes!''

by macedoniabest June 22, 2023


When you help to backdoor some one and get left out to dry basically getting backed door too as a result.

Oh so you trying to get me nened not today!!

by spaceghost777 July 12, 2024

Yendrick puya ni nene

It is a magnificent creature born on the lands of Capiz. It is a gorgeous, wonderful, etc. kind of mammal, but it is not a bf material. Because it is a husband material! Wow! And that's a fact.

I love my Yendrick puya ni nene

by Mirasolserrr October 19, 2021

nene crack

A hair oil that grows edges from Neashell Lewis.

(Nene crack court video in the tag)

“She didn’t pay the nene crack price, but she did grow out her edges.”

Tell me more about the nene crack.”

by nenecrackuser January 24, 2024

big nene

Big Nene is the most gangsta name EVER, big Nene don't play and he gets down (yes it's a he, issue..?)

"Watch out for Big nene he might take your cheeks😨."

by Big nene himself. August 3, 2024