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A popular virtual pet website, that has now expanded into a corporation similar to Pokemon.

Mediocre web game.....

by -Tizzle- August 29, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game about virtual pets that started in 1999. It was good at first, but around 2002 or so, they started making plushies (offline) and all this merchandise like notebooks, keyrings, etc, and gradually Neopets became all teenie-ish and TNT got gayer.

I dont play Neopets anymore, since july '04.

by THEYWiLLNEVAHKNOW! June 4, 2005

77๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neopets is okay for a while, but after a bit you get tired of it and realize how stupid it was of you to spend 16 hours a day trying to change how a 150x150 pixel looks. The games can be fun for killing time, but if you get too carried away with earning neopoints, it takes away the fun.
Sometimes the neopets staff is good, but usually they aren't. I've had an instance where they have been excellent to me. Someone I knew had managed to get into my account and I emailed. After a while, a nice staff member believed me and restored me access to my acount.
The staff seems to be obsessed, however, with freezing and warning. For instance, if you mention any sort of religion you get frozen or warned, even if you just say something like "I don't eat pork, I'm Jewish" or "I'm a Christian."
Overall, neopets can be fun to play, but don't get addicted to it.

"Dude, deal with it. I've been frozen millions of times."
"So? I lost my Fire Draik. I got over it."

by A random somebody September 2, 2005

76๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Neopet is virtual pet which can be created after you make an account at neopets.com

There are many different species to choose from and many things you can do with them after they have been created. For example you can buy a paint brush for it and change it's colour, or you can train it up to become more powerful and fight other pets in the battledome. You can also play games with them which probaly the main reason people sign up to the site in the first place.

I decided to buy a paint brush and paint my neopet Disco.

by Friskysquirt June 3, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neopets (n) (ne-o-pets): A site that was made by college students and made for college students. It soon turned into a kids site for kids ages 8+.

Past: Neopets started out as a very fun kid site. There were games, boards, and of course, pets. There were 3 categories of games: Action, Puzzle, and Chance. Each one contained 100+ games at least. And each one was fun to play. It was perfect for kids. And best of all, it wasn't there just for getting money. It was actually a game site where the focus was on having fun, not money.

Present: Neopets has turned from a game site focused on fun to a site focused on money. The games have been enhanced (like by too many levels), the neopets are 3-D like (and look horrible), and is just horrible. Right now it's just horrible. And you get frozen really easy (ex: saying "sucks" gets you in trouble)

It has the NC mall (neocash) and there are two items that I find interesting:
The I Love NC mall flag ($1.50) and the I hate NC mall flag ($50). hm... Anybody have 50 bucks I can borrow?

Future: Oh my gosh, don't think about what's coming up next. It's probably going to turn into ad palooza.

Neopets was a fun site, but is really dumb now.

The neopets are really dumb now.

NEOPETS SUCKS! uh-oh! My account is frozen X_X

by camomatt July 12, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A website that is often "down for maintenance" or generally fucked up by numerous glitches. Instead of admitting their own mistakes they will just freeze you. Neopets use to be cool until they fucked everything up....

WOW! I was just frozen for no reason! FUCK! Now I will mail neopets and not even get a response!

by bullshit April 28, 2004

517๐Ÿ‘ 248๐Ÿ‘Ž


An addicting virtual game where you get to have 4 pets. You get to play all these games which got you Neopoints which was used to buy stuff. Boards, shops, neomailing, games..it was fun while it lasted.

Neopets now sucks. Noobs are taking over the boards with their excessive 7 year olds saying they're looking for "g1rLllfRi3ee3nds" or how "my cat died, i want to kill myself. boohooboohoo" They cannot type propr english either. There are useless noobs that report you without a reason and then you loose your account. Then you try to tell TNT (Neopets Team) that you were mistakenly frozen..you wait for months and months and may not even get a notice.

Some old games are good but they have to delete them and replace them with shitty advertisement games that had the same concept. Spin the wheel! GO through the maze eating stupid pixels! .. -_-

Let's face it, the newbies will never get rich, the old members are quitting, neopets is going to die in the next 2 years.

n00b: lyKk oh em geee!! ne0opets isHh lyKee AW3SomeEee!!11
someone: Will you shut up?
n00b: ne3verr! i 5ha1l pr0claiM t0 Da wHo0LeE w0rLDd!!1
somone: -_-"

by SARA_i0i_likegasp March 23, 2005

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