A work appropriate but much more threatening version of "fuck around and find out"
Becky: I can't believe you. You better let me do whatever I want if you know what's good for you.
Me: test that assumption at your earliest convenience... I wouldn't recommend it though.
The Latin Catholic Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on 15 August and the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholics celebrate the Dormition of the Mother of God (or Dormition of Theotokos, the falling asleep of the Mother of God) on the same date, preceded by a 14-day fast period.
The Assumption day of Cyprus is on 15th August.
Its a good school with one dumb teacher. Some teachers are bitches (and lesbians) and the best class is gym. The boys are nice, well some of them. and a lot of kids vape. A LOT of drama. HOTTTTTTTTT BOYS.
class of 2019 review
Hot guys
Pretty girls
smart people
Small dicks
fake bitches
slap boxing
funny boys
fuck boys
THE GIRLS ARE NOT BASIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRLS. in fact they are the opposite.
Assumption is great and the girls are pretty. I'm suprised none of them have boyfriends.
An assumption is never a good reason to make a decision.
The moron did radiation treatment based on the assumption he had cancer, rather than actually knowing he was sick. He died from the radiation treatment instead.
It's not an assumption.
Hym "You can't avoid making assumptions BUT you can avoid investigating. I wanted to go to McDonald's and you don't like the road I took to get to McDonald's. I'm there. Doing this is not going to change the fact that I got to McDonald's with the route I took. And now here we sit. Enjoying the consequences of you IN-action. Because INACTION... ALSO has consequences. Consequences that you are avoiding like the plague. You choose to dangle the key in front of me and when the blood began to flow from my cage into you world... You wept."
the assumption that everyone is bisexual until they indicate otherwise - as opposed to assuming everyone is hetero .
“ I’m going on a date tonight - should probably let them know I’m bi since that could be a deal breaker .”
“ Do you actually have to say anything ?”
“ Don’t you think ?”
“ No - I have bi assumption . I just assume everyone is bi . If it’s a deal breaker they will ask . ”