A site where women get fucked by tons of dudes and beta males pay for it
Onlyfans should change their name to OnlyWhores
OnlyFans is the meeting hall on which virgins and Redditors alike, gather to feast upon fatherless women, young teenage girls who left the house after receiving the lashes o'father and the milko/gonno, and people named Finnigus Smashble.
"The 12 year old underwent their 'Villain Arc" causing them to lose their fathers are being a life of never walking again under OnlyFans".
A porn website that’s P2W, that gets leaked across the internet, mostly Twitter and Reddit
Friend: this girl hot asf have you seen her Onlyfans?
Me: it’s free on Reddit and Twitter bro you stupid asl
How's it any different from being the CEO of Onlyfans, Piers? The owner of a porn website?
Hym "It's morality hinges entirely on whether or not you've adapted a set of axiomatic presuppositions that claims that the elements of the act is immoral. Religious morality dictates that it's entirely binary but in reality, how immoral is it? I mean, on a scale of -10 to 10 were would onlyfans land? Maybe a little exploitative of men's base desires but still voluntary. The parasocial element could be considered manipulative. But then you'd ALSO have to apply that to ALL online social media activity because they share those same elements. If you believe their's nothing wrong with women showing their body on the internet it then it's fine on that end. Depending on whether or not they're being paid adequately for their labor it's either more or less exploitative than any other job. So, maybe somewhere between -2 and 2 on the morality scale. Fairly benign. It's fine. Cam girl shit is fine. I wouldn't do it because I'm not going to pay you to NOT fuck me but if people want to spend their money on it it's no more of a waste of money than most online interactions with most social media entities."
you only have 3 fans because nobody wants to see your crap
onlyfans = only pans fro your mom