Source Code

ms. pac-man

one of the world's most infamous prostitutes. For just 25 cents she would swallow balls until she dies.

My best bud spent a dollar on Ms. Pac-man yesterday. She swallowed over 5,000 balls. That's money well spent, I'd say.

by IKYGHWANHWEH!!! May 22, 2008

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Pac-Man Syndrome

When you eat everything in a steady rhythmic chomping motion, especially if that food is pelletized or available in small, bite sized amounts, such as combos.

"After I got high, I got Pac-Man Syndrome and ate a whole thing of candy beans."

"Your father has Pac-Man Syndrome. The prognosis isn't good. I'm afraid he only has a few months at best."

by Keith Robicheux December 30, 2014

pac-man fizzle

An expression used to indicate disappointment, dismay or dislike as in the sound effect heard when pac-man dies and you lose you loser.

Bree: Whats green and has wheels?
Me: I unno, what?
Bree: a Frog, I lied about the wheels! hahahaha!
Me: pac-man fizzle... your jokes are not funny you loser.

Kristi: Ouchie! I just burned my arm!
Me: Aww, pac-man fizzle, hope it's not too bad you loser.
Kristi: Thanks jerk, I just hope it doesn't leave a scar.

by Misa Rose November 27, 2009

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Pac-Man Fever

a phenomenon to the early 80's arcade industry that caused millions of people to deplete their savings on paraphernalia relating to a yellow pie-shaped character.

a popular video game themed song and album by Buckner and Garcia

I have lots of pac-man fever related merchandise in my attic that I bought 20 years ago.

by extraz February 13, 2006

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pac-man strategy

driving between the broken lines of two lanes

that guy must be driving drunk; he doing the pac-man strategy

by kyndra December 27, 2003

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Pac-Man Elbow

A mild form of tendinitis stemming from the overuse of a joystick

After playing Pac-man for 12 hours strait I had one mean case of Pac-Man Elbow

by extraz February 13, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pac-man Jonesing

1. An uncontrollable urge to carry large amounts of money in brown paper bags and frequent strip clubs for dinner at 3 in the morning.
2. The ability to be arrested 12 times, yet never see the inside of a jail cell.
3. Waste of talent.

exe 1=guy1: Yo dog, whatchu do last night?
guy2: Hit up the atm and went Pac-man Jonesing for some seafood.
exe 2=guy1 Yall heard 5-0 got Trey last night red handed?
guy2: Shit, that muthafucka gonna Pac-man Jones them charges.
exe 3=M.C. Hammer,"I remember when I was popular, then I just Pac-man Jonesed it all away."

by Nick Bockwinkle March 30, 2008

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