1. The burning sensation when you poop after eating spicy food.
2. The inevitable result of a late night Taco Bell craving.
Man, do you remember eating Taco Bell last night? I woke up with a nasty case of Pancho Villa's Revenge!
Also know as the Panchok syndrome it’s the uncontrollable sweating of your butt cheeks that reeks of a putrid smell. This syndrome also has side effects such as smoking cigarettes daily, obesity, and McDonald’s fries oil consumption. It is also related with the Suda Syndrome.
You heard of that kid that suffers from the Pancho Syndrome, he got his legs cut off because he was too obese.
The gayest border hopper ever he's a little shit that looks cute but when that mouth opens you wanna slap his fat ass back to Mexico
Bart:omg shut tf up that's why you are a homeless Pancho
a girl who swears the that pancho she is wearing is a kimono.
we have a pancho lady here at work. She claims to say her pancho isn't a pancho
A queefing loser who watches scooby-doo porn
Man that kid is such a pancho pussy
My least favorite Mexican raincoat
Attack me urbandictionary about pancho!!!!!!! all of u's suck!!!!
Your favourite Mexican raincoat
“@panchosdeath promised me a piece of meat to like the video, still waitin on it”