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why is everyone so hot

i am. pansexual deal with it

by your_local_potato January 18, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


being attracted (physically, emotionally, sexually) to someone regardless of their gender (genitals). although not based on gender an attraction felt by someone who is pansexual can be of purely physical nature, and is not only reliant on emotional compatibility.

friend: hey are you into guys or girls?

me: i’m pansexual, if the attraction is there it’s there man
enlightened friend: damn that’s pretty cool man

by freedrickbhogtrotter August 19, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


someone who loves all regardless of genderπŸ˜³πŸ–

i may be pansexual, but i don’t fuck pans, so shut the fuck up

by mikan.tsumikii June 23, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Bi-sexual people who almost always remarkably look like Peter-pan and choose other Peter-pan look-alikes to have sex with. This may or may not occur in large groups which most closely resembles and gathering of woodland elves in heat.

They reject the binary trappings of life that brought us such trivial notions such as computers and the internet.

My girlfriend just told me she's pansexual and I asked her what that meant. She said "We define labels. Labels do not define us.” To which I said, "but you just told me you're pansexual?"

by DM2954 September 1, 2015

17πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A retarded bisexual, often found on tumblr. It is a sexual preference, not a sexuality. Pansexuality is a preference of no specific gender or form of identification, including sexual relations with plants, animals and inanimate objects.

Friend 1: "dude, i think I'm into pansexuality!"
Friend 2: "please stay away from my dog"

by seductivetoast January 3, 2016

26πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


When you are attracted to every sexuality. Girl, boy, transgender, gender-fluid etc. If you are PAN then as long as you like them, their gender or race doesn't really matter.

"Wow, last year you dated a transgender and now you are dating a Hispanic girl. You aren't very picky are you?"

"Well what can I say? I'm Pansexual."

by lollipopster123 December 11, 2015

9πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


someone who doesn't mind kissing someone of the same sex but whose main sexual orientation is straight

girl who has a boyfriend is willing to kiss another girl (and does so)therefore she is pansexual

by MakieAi March 16, 2009

101πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž