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patio to the moon

A word used commonly but not exclusively by white male fathers of teenage daughters meaning to:

1. Look or dress very well
2. Do something that people deem as iconic similar and exchangeable with words like "slay" and "iconic" and "king/queen shit"

Omg youre literally an icon like patio to the moon <3

by Saccino January 13, 2024

covered patio

The abundance of fat which covers obese people's genitalia by either protruding a great distance from their body, or by hanging over their private areas.

"That man's covered patio is completely enveloping his dick"

by $$$~~~mizz_preshus~~~$$$ May 17, 2010

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Boss patio

A means of disposing of dead bodies, by burying them under an over specified patio.

You need to Boss patio that bitch!

by Discopants July 14, 2022


Refers to the condition or state of excessive drunkenness acquired whilst day-drinking on a patio. Origin: 2005, Auburn University: Sigma Alpha Epsilon house floating dock & fratio, Bodega, & Momma G's Deli.

"I thought Randy was going to play 18 with us this afternoon?" "Randy?! Oh, there's no way he's making it to the course. He's patioed."

by Touched By An Uncle February 29, 2012

Parrot on the Patio

Beautiful girls or eye-catching men at the front door of a restaurant who talk to people walking by. Also, a particularly stunning customer maybe given a table next to a window to attract attention.

As Tommy walked home from the office, he would always stop for a beer at the steakhouse when Jeanette was welcoming customers. The beer was over priced but the view made it worth it. Tommy knew he always fell for the Parrot on the Patio sales technique.

by Cordoan June 10, 2018


Another SUNDAY where the patio with the RED WINDOW shade is lifted by THE SWAN.

Hey another AARON PATIO PECKHAM and we can split together for your DIGS of your SUNNY URBAN PICK.

by DEFINITION DOMINANT October 2, 2021

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Someone that is so swag that majority of the population can’t handle it. Someone that causes the girls to go crazy and the boys crazier.

Patio shit on the floor

by Illinois hate August 29, 2021