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A guy who is taller than 6 feet and gets all the girls. At first he might seem intimidating but once you get to know him he is actually a really friendly guy whom everyone enjoys to be around.

Wow Pavel is so tall! I wish I were as tall as him.

by PavelWasTaken October 30, 2022

5👍 1👎


That little bich that uses you all the time and pretends he had sex and drugs only to impress you. If you got attacked he would help you, he would just run away. He probably has blond hair and blue eyes and a disgusting face.

Hey don't be a Pavels.

by That____Girl March 15, 2019


Although it may not seem at first, he is the most caring person out there. He always looks out for you, wants to help you become a better person. He is incredibly loyal. He is incredibly fun, with the most adorable smile. He is smart and talented. Physically, and emotionally strong. He is beautiful inside and out. He leaves marks on people that stay forever. He has the strength to get through anything, even when it may seem impossible. He shouldn't worry about being alone, because even if it may seem like it, he will never be alone, and there will always be people looking out for him.

That Pavel man, he's always got me in Love Again.

by ecuadorian929 February 7, 2022


Pavel Aka Pablo Escobar. The kid who steals from a young and and turns out to be a slimey drug selling weasel that charges you too much

Pablo Escobar will tell your parents you bought weed from him if you don’t pay up. PAVEL WASNT JOKING

by SLIMshady69 November 20, 2020


Ultra gay s malym pinďourkem. Myslí si že je chytrej a přitom neni

Čau já jsem pavel a miluju péra

by Norbac November 21, 2021


noun. a word to describe a person who is both man and bat, with exceptional abilities. He does what he loves and loves what he does. But he doesn't know what an overdrip is... and will argue about it for half an hour... being wildly cute.

"Pavel is only Pavel."
"Have you tried the pizza Pavel baked? Extraordinary."

by acedia_killfish October 4, 2023

Pavel Van

A game where you shout the word 'Pavel' every time you see a Caravan.

If you see a Caravan Park, you shout 'Pavel Park'.
The aim is to be the first to spot one and shout out.
1 Point for Pavel and 10 Points for Pavel Park.

John : "Pavel"
Dan : "Damn it!"
John : "One nil!"

Dan : "Pavel Van"
John : "ahh boo"
Dan : "Ha ha, Ten one!"

by Dan10inch July 1, 2011