That one annoying white or silver car that is driving like it’s their first day on the interstate during rush hour.
Omg you stupid Parmesan pellet get out of my damn way already!
Any semi-digestible food product that elevates the blood sugar. Taste, nutrition and flavoring not a consideration.
I’m am so peckish that any belly pellet would well suit me.
Any type of medicine used to treat erectile disfunction. ie Viagra, Cialis, etc
When Bill couldn't get a hard on after 3 weeks he went to the doctor to get a script for some Peter pellets.
Masturbating, then covering the dickhole and letting the semen sit overnight, in the mornign you piss and out comes the little semen "pellets"
"It fells so good to pellet"
"I pelleted last night, nutted then held it in all night! pissed out rocks in the morn."
Pelleting means Masturbating, then covering the dickhole and letting the semen sit overnight, in the mornign you piss and out comes the little semen "pellets"
Any smart phone or device connected to the internet (that has social media apps and games) used as a means to get your conditioned reward; your digital buzz; your electronic fix.
Let me see on my i-pellet what time it!!! look a new e-mail! And new messages!
Someone who is poisonous to taste, gets stuffed back in their place, and has a head shaped like a bell-end
Stop shooting your mouth off you little pellet head