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PeePee PooPoo

when you shit and piss at the exact same time

Did u go PeePee PooPoo

by Aaiden Cruz Almeida January 8, 2020

pp poopoo

Why on earth would you are you looking for the definition of gibberish.

"Pp poopoo"

"The fuck?"

by our handle May 26, 2021

Dicky Poopoo

When you have anal sex and feces gets on your dick.

"You ever gotten dicky poopoo?" "Yeah. I got it last week."

by Booty FartZ? March 1, 2020

Poopoo Drip

Your shit is banging. Your shit is on point and got swag.

I got that poopoo drip

by 2oh$ix Lude January 3, 2022

Poopoo chewer

It just means someone who chats shit and is just a lier (chewing on poo)

Person 1- i shagged 3 lasses last night
Person 2- shut up poopoo chewer

by Zebs_0113 July 26, 2016

Poopoo caca

Very moist nigga with 9 inch cocccc

Yo poopoo caca ludba love you

by The real_peepee April 18, 2019

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poopoo plunger

verb. 1. act of sticking one's lips on another's rectum and sucking, extracting poopoo(see: shit).

Selena moaned as Billy performed the poopoo plunger on Selena's sphincter.

by stephen ramey May 16, 2004

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