A slang term for intercourse
I spent the whole night parking the porpoise with your sister.
A Porpoise Wave is the act in which each time the Porpoise jumps up and lands back into the water represents the dick, and the splash it makes represents her squirt.
Did you drink enough water today baby? Think you can Porpoise Wave with every thrust?
To go in the ocean and pull down your swimmers, then flip over and put your was in the air but pull the up confusi the public. Did they see a bum or was that their imagination?
Omg Piper just did the porpoise and I saw EVERYTHING!!
The porpoise (izzy)
Put your girl in the pile driver position. Put a pineapple ring around your cock and proceed to have anal sex
I gave my girl the Polynesian porpoise last night.
A simple, gentle pressure stroking of the porpoise to show your interest and plans!
"Hungy or not"
The phrase first began in Canada, where the action of eating a prairie dog was looked at as a desperate act, that one would only commit if they were insanely hungry, whereas being willing to go out and search out a harbor porpoise (although at the time, the split between a harbor porpoise and a normal porpoise wasn’t super well known, plus harbor porpoise or prairie dog sounds stupid) took a long time, so you wouldn’t want to be hungry.
How are we feeling about lunch? Are you guys porpoise or prairie dog?
I havent eaten in a minute. Code praririe dog for sure.
you tried to spell purpose and it autocorrected and now you're here searching the meaning and learning about a group of fully aquatic marine mammals.
what is my porpoise in life?
did you mean purpose?