To be money. To have a cash. To look fly.
“Damn girl you lookin so prang in that Louis V let’s sex later “
“Damn Adam got that phat bill, he so prang yo”
Prang is another word for being hungry or wanting foodstuffs.
Bloody hell guys I'm pranging for some spaghetti bolognaise.
Fucking Ainsley Harriott always makes me prang for shitting gherkins.
Nervous or anxious but liked weirded out by some hooky pooky shit or by a mate who’s hot you up too much.
Ooh shit... I think she’s been clocking me for about an hour, fuck, I think she’s watching me from over there and I am prangin’ The fuck out!
Used after having a car crash.
He must have a (ppd) Post Prang Depression after hitting that tree last night.
To act like a pusssssyole.
Named after Idris, the master of the prang.
Random person- Why you pranging you pussssiole?
Idris- Because I'm Mr Prangster MBBS
A fender bender that is the result of perving on a distractingly good looking person outside the car. Whilst perving, you run into the back of the car in front of you, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage. Bonus points are awarded if he/she gives you their number... which isn't likely.
"What happened to your car man?"
"Just a perve prang... I didn't get her number but it was totes worth it"