Aka. C.I.S.P.; When an individual will have sex with someone, regardless of whether or not they are willing to refrain from having sex until they get married
Dan wants to hookup Penelope, regardless of whether she wants to have sex before marriage or wait until they get married. He has a chastity irrelevant sexual preference.
The late night resident , usually inebriated, who has taken it upon himself to patrol his or her Buildings , units , leasing office amenities, etc.. late at night. Looking for any unusual activity or disturbance such as loud party’s , excessive speed through the parking lots, loud birds , or any other nuisance that he/she deems unacceptable. He brandishes his own swift justice. Unfortunately this only results in his own embarrassment and a hangover of shame when the sun rises
I got really drunk Last night and all Of a sudden turned into stupid ‘Preferred apartment community Batman’ again. I was yelling at the teenagers to turn down their garbage edm music and taking down license plate numbers to give to the cops
Aka. A.C.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who don’t want and or have children
Luke is only sexually attracted people don't want to have kids. He has an anti-child sexual preference.
aka. P.C.R.P.; When an individual is only romantically attracted to people who support political parties whose beliefs fall on the same side of the political spectrum as the political party the individual support
Virginia identifies as being a supporter of the Republican party, she is willing to date other people, but only if the political party they support identifies as being a right-wing political party, like hers is. She has a politically consistent romantic preference.
Hym "I said women's preference bad and now if I don't do what Jordan wants my preferences bad and evil! That's how ANY religious person works! And as far as 'evidence' (the evidence he doesn't actually cite btw) apologist will use LITERALLY ANYTHING as evidence. Every apologist has 'undeniable evidence for God.' Do what I want, or, you're evil. He's really riding the coattails of his evil psychopath boogeyman all the way to the grave, huh? I like that 'The ideas that he's wrestling with' are just my ideas. That makes me God to him! He's a ME worshipper!"
Preferences don't matter... But everything is predetermined by internal mechanisms that are outside of your control...
Hym "Well, no. If everything is predetermined then all of your decisions are predicated on your preferences. You literally can't decide to choose in opposition to your preferences. So, if determinism is true than it's the only thing that matters."
Samantha Harolds "But the makes it sound bad!"
Is the difference between BECAUSE and WITH shit head. It's not impossible to determine whether it's because or with.
Hym "When it comes to suicide; my PREFERENCE is that fat cocks do it instead of baby dicks."