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The bitches that talk behind your back, yet are very genial when in close contact with you. They often wear Aberzombie & Bitch, American Eagle, AERO, and my least favorite because it makes me look like a motherfucking traffic cone, Hollister. They usually are very ignorant, they spend $120 on ripped jeans, while you can go to walmart and buy ok jeans and fuck them up yourself. They usually will be the people talking shit about their 25 best friends behind their backs. They sometimes are in advanced/gifted classes yet most of them lack a brain or they have one and are unable to use it.

Prep 1: LyKe oMg I jUsT bRoKe mY nAiL!
Prep 2: I lYkE jUsT mAdE oUt wItH tHe sTaR qUaRtErBaCk!

Me: Stfu stupid preps!!!!!! And quit talking about guys who will never dump you within 5 days. Get a life!!!!!

by andy the fucking mandy April 3, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unlike most people here have said preps are not just slutty girls in Abercrombie (most preps dont even wear Abercrombie) and boys with popped collars and gelled hair.

A prep is somebody who goes to a prep school. Often wearing pastel colors and polos. They play sports like lacrosse, hockey, and squash. Generally overuse terms such as "chill" "legit" "bro" and "unreal"But does this really make them so terrible? So what if wear a ribbon in my hair? That doesn't mean I think I am so much better than everybody else. A common misconception is that all preps are brainwashed by the media. This is blatantly untrue. Preps don't all listen to the same music, don't tYpE lYk th!s, and don't just hate anyone who is different.

Everybody on this site likes to describe the typical prep stereotype, which is generally only seen in movies. Maybe if you actually took the time to talk to a prep, you would realize this. All you are doing is building false stereotypes

two fake preps-
fake prep girl: like omg lets go to Abercrombie!!!!
fake prep guy: no ima go beat up some freak
fake prep girl: or we could just have sex!!
fake prep guy: okay but we have to invite the hockey team
fake prep girl: sure!!!

two real preps-
prep guy 1: yo, wanna go play some lax after school?
prep guy 2: nah bro, i gotta go find mr. larkson, he's letting me retake the latin test
prep guy 1: nice, he's so chill about that stuff
prep guy 2: i know. its unreal

by hockey126 February 27, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


For many, it's the conformist 13 year old who loves pink and has had eight cell phones already with a low brain-cell count.

To truly put it, a prep is a person who is attending or has attended a prepratory high school (which is usually Catholic or in some other form religious), and has moved on or plans to move on to an Ivy League or other prestigious college; in recent times, preps have favored more sporty colleges in the Midwest than prestigious ones. Their family lineage is generally in establishing business(es), banking, has had a hand in city-founding, or is a political official.

Sports are extremely important to most preps, and often are accepted to colleges on athletic scholarships. Tennis, lacrosse, field hockey, golf, swimming, and soccer are popular sporting choices for most prep students. Schooling is very important, seeing as a general minimum of $10,000 per year is put into a prep school for one student. As for college, it is extremely rare to find a prep student planning to go to a community college.

On a last note, preps are notorious for wearing, on a normal day, sweatpants and t-shirts from school and eating more than most public school students and still maintaining their ideal body-type (perhaps the food is burned off in sports and excercise?). On weekends, events, and nights-out, prep girls are expert at dolling up in high fashion without looking unnatural, and the guys also know how to clean up if needed to be, also.

It is a common misconception that preps are self-centered and are oblivious to the world around them. In reality, a prep does not care about how other stereotypes view them, because it does not interfere with their social and educational lives. Much of a student's money is donated to fundraisers while in school to organizations working for relief in many poor South African, South American, and Asian countries. Preps don't pay any mind to people who do not understand their classy lifestyle.

At the Mall:

13-year old brat: MOM. I need more like, jean skirts. Now. Don't make me call daddy!
Misled Person: Ew look at that prep.
Actual prep 1(obviously after a soccer practice): *Snorts*
Actual prep 2: Tell me about it.

by LindseyBaerski March 5, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


bitches that think they're better than eveyone else

Those preps are always freakin' perfect.

by Annabeth September 18, 2006

140๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


An intelligent, well-rounded person who wears classic brands like Polo, Lacoste, Lilly, Vineyard Vines, etc. They have pastimes such as tennis, sailing, skiing, lacrosse, rugby, horseback riding, and more. A true preppy visits the East Coast annually and has a house on Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. They meet other preppies at yacht clubs and country clubs. Preppies are seen almost anywhere, but generally cling to warmer climates. A real preppy is not rude, snobby or unwelcoming at all, they are just stereotyped because of their affluence, rather a true prep is generous and caring, and above all: the funnest type to meet. Preppies travel year-round, prefferably to Europe. England is a favourite, a home to the majority of preps in the world. A prep always has a dog as a faithful companion, especially: Spaniels, English Setters, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, Nova Scotias, and others from the sporting group. The preppy house is elagantly decorated in a traditional manner. A preppy drives mainly a 2008 Jaguar for its classic looks. A preppy's wardrobe contains a wide assortment of polos, rugbys, embroidered pants and shorts, twill coats, and knit argyle sweaters. A prep's clothes a worn for decades, or until they fall apart. They love color, especially pink and green. Preppies are great people, and that is why I am one.

"I am going sailing today, would you care to join?
"Fancy that! I am in quite the mood for some sailing."
"Come to the dock half past two and we can embark on our trip. Bring along Molly, too."
"Great. I will see you then. A great preppy way to spend a Sunday."

by Islander on the Vineyard November 10, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derived from prepatory - a completely different meaning to the word prep meaning home work in countries such as the UK - A prep has now become an extremely infamous label, many "preps" seem to be oblivious to that fact, but the term is still used, usually in spite of other people in forms of jealousy or hatred. Supposedly the definition of a prep is being complete hoebag with no sense of individuality whatsoever who is "out to get everybody".

Is usually completely self centered and is extremely conceited. Creates problems for other "clicks" "types" "groups" etc... by being completely slutty bitchy up themselves etc... etc...
Can be recognized by stupidity, illiteration, use of crappy language, using words such as "like" and "oh my god" and "totally" 10-40 times in one sentence, obsession to apply lip gloss 456 times in the span of 5 minutes, amount of money held in ONE purse, expensive and "preppy" clothes such as Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Hollister, Armani Exchange etc... , their desperation to keep slim ( aka anorexia nervosa )

Other Comments: Is very intent on being up to date with the latest gossip and bitching around the whole school, is very popular, usually hangs out with a clique of friends and/or has a posse of which will include 2-4 other clones, has connections with absolutely anybody and everybody with a high popularity reputation, Loves "cute" things but are actually completely bitchy.
Is usually anticipated to have sex. Is very worried about looks and style and if one is wearing enough make up, Is usually constantly using peroxide and tweezers. Most of the time, the prep will be a platinum blonde. Usually dates jocks/football players etc...
hated by most other labels such as goths nerds punks loosers druggies etc...

Blonde: LyKe OHMYGOD! I lyke so totally lyke, broke an nail lyke totally.
Blonde 2: oh my god you are so totally kidding me?!

Blonde: OH MY GOD!!
Blonde 2: lyke what?
Blonde: oh my god I just so totally ate a lyke frikken chocolate bar. thats lyke omg a trillion calories.
Blonde 2: oh my god you are so totally kidding me!?

Blonde: OH MY GOD
Blonde 2: OH MY GOD lyke WHAT?
Blonde: oh my god did you know that Mike actually had sex with Megan? Oh my god she is so totally pregnant.
Blonde 2: OH MY GOD you are so totally kidding me!?

by lalalalalalalalala February 18, 2005

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A prep, contrary to the beleif of some "Adult Preps", is a self centered, usually blonde or light brunette, male or female who thinks that they are perfect in every way, and that the world revolves around them. Most preps speak with phrases such as 'Like' all the time. Females usually so OMG as a shortened way of sayng Oh My God, usually because a) they are too lazy because everything in life has been handed to them or b) their too tired from screwing the football team or the cheerleaders last night. Preps usually wear overpriced clothes and listen to the most in music. Common types of preppo clothing are Abercrombie&Fitch, AE, or anything else name brand.

Male preps are usually called Jocks, and hang out in medium to large sized groups of 3 to 5. A typical Jock's goal in life is to be captain of the football team or quarterback. Most Jocks like pushing smaller people around, or people that they think are weak or small. They like to insult anybody who talks to them unless he/she is another prep/jock.

Female preps hang out in tight Cliques, and some are so dumb that they think that they're african-american or black, and use typical black slang in casual conversation. They can be seen texting or talking for long periods of time on their cell phones, most of which they personalize with stick-on gems and markers. Females are more prone to use 'like' constantly.

Britney: Omg Hayyyyy Lindsay did you see that nerd over there? He was like, totally checking me out. Chuh, idiot.

Lindsay: I know. Like, what a freaking geek

*Both laugh their stupid, high pitched laughs*

Nerd: Chuck..the Prep over there? Sooo... hot.

Other Nerd: *laughs* yeah... I'd like to play Dr.Spock with her!

*both laugh, then use inhalers*

by DinasourFlavouredIceTea March 26, 2009

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