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Great Hoe Reformation

When women reach their early to mid thirties and have 3 children with 2 different baby daddies from being run through like a hallway during a fire alarm, realize their sexual marketplace value is at less than zero, and decide to start going to church to find a "good guy" to take care of her and her kids. They done had their fun, but they want a man to provide for them financially. These women start attending church and Bible study under the guide of being "born again" but really it's for the purpose of getting free housing and food. They also might have Tyrone coming over to help with her migraines while their churchy man is at work.

With 2 kids and another on the way from another one night stand, Cassie dicided to join The Great Hoe Reformation, going to a non denominational church to find a financial stable man that's okay with a prefab family.

by SirTopahmHat June 15, 2024

reform The Church

to become a nihilist/anarchist/political shit disturber.

a history professor: students, what's the fastest way to go hell and to be punished by either G-d or the Unforgivables?

student: to become Jesus Christ the historical character and reform The Church?

professor: Correct you are, but this only applies, as you yourself pointed out, to Jesus the historical character, well since the Romans were pantheists

by Sexydimma June 16, 2012

reform The Church

to become a nihilist/anarchist/political shit disturber.

a history professor: students, what's the fastest way to go hell and to be punished by the Unforgivables?

student: to become a sort Jesus Christ the real historical character in the modern world and reform The Church by becoming a Communist?

professor: Correct you are, but this only applies, as you yourself pointed out, to Jesus the historical character, well since the Romans were pantheists and because a lot of people, even historians, would disagree as to who Jesus the religious figure is or should be.

by Sexydimma January 13, 2013

to reform The Church

(verb): to become a nihilist/anarchist/political shit disturber.

a history professor: students, what's the fastest way to go hell and to be punished by either G-d or the Unforgivables?

student: to become Jesus Christ the historical character and to reform The Church?

professor: Correct you are, but this only applies, as you yourself pointed out, to Jesus the historical character,

by Sexydimma September 18, 2012

to reform The Church

(verb): to become a nihilist/anarchist/political shit disturber.

a history professor: students, what's the fastest way to go hell and to be punished by the Unforgivables?

student: to reform The Church?

professor: Correct you are, but I would guess, that in Jesus's case, this would only apply to him as a historical character. The Romans saw Jesus as someone who was trying to reform The Church.

by Sexydimma November 5, 2012

agrarian reform policies

agrarian reform policies

agrarian reform policies

by agrarian reform policies November 9, 2022

Reform Candidate

Someone who's parents should have wiped them on the curtains approximately 9 months prior to their birth

I wouldn't vote for the reform candidate, even if it would mean I would never have to work again

by HyperSkylight July 3, 2024