An overpowered card that can defend any insult.
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Harry: *pulls out uno reverse card
Voldemort: *dies
A phrase which makes another group of phrases opposite.
Friend: "Hey! You talk a lot!"
Me: *Pulls out UNO Reverse Card*
Friend: "Oh Dear! You said that I talk too much..!"
Me Visits My Friend.
My Friend: "You speak alot. You can never stop talking! You're so childish!"
Me: UNO Reverse Card
My Friend: "I never speak a lot and I can stop talking and I am not childish!!!"
The ultimate comeback no one can reverse
Guy 1: Ur mommy in ma bed yo
Guy 2: No u
When someone is rejected or friend zoned, they have been “uno reverse-carded.”
Person 1: Hey how was your day?
Person 2: It was awful, man. I got uno reverse-carded by Emily.
Person 1: Aw that sucks dude. You can come to my house for a Dr. Pepper.
It is when you’re black or a transfer student from an HBCU who transfers to a PWI! Employers preferred a white institution over a black one on your resume!
When you date a black chick and then regret dating her! Then date a different race of women who you refer to as your trophy wife or hoe!
1. I got hazed by the black frat brothers I need to pull a black uno reverse card!
This black woman crazy I better black uno reverse card her for a fine Filipina wife or hoe!
the most powerful card ever to be created. this can be used in ANY argument.
even in the most serious moments. nothing can beat it, besides the second most powerful one..the two words..."No u"
it scares me, just typing it.
Katie: "I'm taking the kids!"
Jack: *pulls out a uno reverse card*
Katie: "NOOOOO"
See what i mean? the reverse uno card can be used in the most serious moments.