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Captain sappy pants

Someone is like a sap but the king of saps

Elisha your a proper captain sappy pants

by Captain parcel pants January 5, 2020


A sudden outburst of happyness and sadness at the same time

I'm so sappy-loo

by Shrek.donkey for life December 7, 2019

sappy hogs

hot dogs previously used for pleasure cooked in hot dog water.

Brad said he went to her house and ate sappy hogs for dinner.

by lukeem03 January 15, 2021

Sappy Wood

The state your penis is in when you don't clean up after sex in the morning.

Wow! I sure do have one sappy wood!

by ThatOneOnlineCreep January 25, 2016


In general the dutch word "Sappie" or "Sap" refers to a 500 millilitre can of cheap beer. It's mostly used when a person uses the key to open a drinkhole at the bottom of a can, allowing air to flow into the can when opening the lid of the can, resulting in optimal drinking conditions.
More specific use of the word "Sappie" refers to the 7.9 percent ABV beer from the brand Perlenbacher: Perlenbacher strong

"I feel like pulling a Sappie"
"Oh no.. We are out of Sap"
"To Sap, or not to Sap, that is the question"
"Your mother called, go get more Sap"

by Krûw September 9, 2021


happy to be sad

Het is duidelijk dat prapti sappie is, waarom zou ze anders zo swaggy zijn met haar kapotte brein en lachen met haar tranen

by borderlineboner August 24, 2019


When you felt sad and happy

I just move to my new apartmen, honestly I'm sappy because I had so many history on my parents house.

by moodysloth February 3, 2021