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Scran Job

The act of getting a hand job, while taking a shit in a girl's mouth

Last weekend I got a scran job!

by bvilleson November 18, 2010

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Scran the hoop

Anything in the way of eating or licking someone’s anus or having it done to you.

Missed out on my dinner earlier. Oh well. I think my girls coming over I’ll scran the hoop.

by Pseudowho69 April 24, 2021

scran frank

Anne frank but if she was a snack

β€œWhat did they use to eat in the 1940’s?”
β€œScran frank”

by Cotwonk June 5, 2021

Scran Spanner

Anything that is used to consume one's scran (food). Examples would be: Fork, Knife, Spoon, Chop Sticks

Yo, mate could you pass me a 'Scran Spanner' for my pasta.

by scran'o'clock January 31, 2021


scottish slag for change, aka dross, coppers, shrapnel.

mate can ye lend me a tenner?
sorry pal iv only got scran in ma pocket :\

by sazzlesTHEpedo January 29, 2011

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Noun, 'to scran'

1. to eat face. taken from the original definition 'to eat' food. Traditionally a stranger is targeted, though increasingly in modern times the subject matter has been under intense scrutiny through the medium of facebook stalking prior to this event. You pretend that you do not know them even though you have studied their timeline from 2008, then you go in for the scran. A custom most usually performed in da club and is best executed after a course of trebles. Numbers may or may not be exchanged depending on the level of awkward post scran. Scranning is a sport best left to professionals.

Adjective, 'scranny'

1. when someone has a particular affinity for scranning.


Me: 'Rachel was scranning that tall boy all night'
Duncan: 'Yea we facebook stalked his ex girlfriend for two hours yesterday
Premodifying Adjective
Me: 'Scranny Mckee was out in full force last night'
Duncan: 'Scrandelous'

by pooey1991 April 11, 2012

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healthy scran

Good food, ie food that really hits the spot

Healthy scran is any type of food that you enjoy when you are very hungry or when you have the munchies.

by Craig Wilson May 9, 2006

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