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The first country to be "Juden frei" (In August 1942, Dr. Harald Turner) by collaborating with Nazis (Mihail Stanisic, The collaboration of Draza Mihailovic's Chetniks with the enemy forces of occupation, 1976)
Serbia didn't want to pass the 6month direction of Yougoslavia once Tito died. Serbian traitors started war in Croatia because they did want to rule them. Same Serbian killed 15 000 people in ONE night in Srebrenica a Bosnian town and invaded Bosnia until they stole part of their land And finally, deported thousands of albanians and killed 15 000 of them in 1999.
Oh yes, UN, precised that Serbia is representing 85% of war criminals accused people, that is why especially was created the TPIY for all those fukerz.
Chetniks are representing Serbia. The best smugglers, killers rapers in the world, though they are supported by orthodox church.
Serbia is a democratic country that loves his ultra nationalist and vote for extremist. Serbia is a coward country supported by their Russians brother
did they ever said sorry for killing?
Stop finding excuses. Facts are facts. U killed hundreds, and u all pay soon.

Dragan from serbia says: Im from Serbia, so all neighbourhood is my bitch
Bosnian, Slovenian, Croatian and Albanian says: go fuckurself with ur gay greek brothers. U'll never get what is ours
So dragan decided to kill Bosnian in 1992 and rape an albanian child of 14years old in 1999 to prove he is a man
But now dragan is sucking Russia's cock because no one likes them and can prevent them from the ultimate judgment

by Dardan December 20, 2007

139๐Ÿ‘ 205๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country resoponsible for producing one of the worlds mos talented soccer players Bobby Despotovski. Despotovski made headlines around the world when he reacted to abuse from croation fans by showing them his 3 fingered salute.

"Gee that Despotovski is a great player"

"Thats cos he's from Serbia"

by Anonymous October 3, 2003

140๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž


WHAT THE HELL???Y r u stupid Serbs saying that Serbia kicked Croatia's ass???Here children i'll tell you how it happened to build up your education.

IN the time of Yugoslavia, the capital was Beograd wich is in Serbia today. So the Serbs got everything and they controled most of Yugoslavia. Croatians too! The languague was called Serbo-Croatian. The muslims didnt have anything(haha) att his time! Then Croatian people got tired of the Serbs having the capital and beign in the same country wit the Serbs so they decided it was time for independence! And then the war between Croats and Serbs began! NOW SEE U LIL STUPIDASS SERBS, if Serbia kicked Croatia's ass , Croatia would still be in Yugoslavia or it would be called Serbia! But the thing is, Croatia kicked Serbia'a ass and won its independence! ANd Croatia is becoming a richer and better country everyday while Serbia is going to hell. Hunger spreading in Serbia, people dying, beign hated by everyone except Russia! So you Serb bastards can just sit there and cry cuz CROATZ kicked ur ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Croatian people: Sure, let's go!

by Drazen April 26, 2004

285๐Ÿ‘ 476๐Ÿ‘Ž


Serbia is a perfect example of what happens when you give white trash their own state.

The name of the country is derived from the Latin "servus" which means "slave". Starting out as "that one sh*tty state nobody cares about" and still holding the tittle to this very day, Serbian history is filled with wars which they gloriously lost against Hungarians, Bulgarians, Ottomans, Croats and NATO. During all of this, the proud Serbian people proudly stood there and gloriously took it from behind. Serbs, however, believe they actually won these wars and so they celebrate them passionately.

Indeed, this is the one country that deserves Russian reversal jokes more tan Russia.

Serbs also have a very rich culture. It's called Turbofolk and it's the stuff that makes wet hippo farts look like literature. Serbs drink rakia which is a Bulgarian drink but don't tell them that or they'll switch to vodka and become Russians.

The Serbian national anthem is as follows:
Ja sam cigan
vozim tractore
volim kurac

Serb: We started 4 wars in less than 10 years, shot down 1 plane when NATO bombed the sh*t out of Serbia and we celebrate these losses! Yes, we are THAT stupid!

Normal person: ...

Serb: Ja volim ruski kurac
Russian: Is that some gypsy-mixed Russian dialect or are you just retarded?

by ProudFyromian August 31, 2012

80๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nation in the Balkan region of Europe known. It's inhabitants are known to have the smallest penises of any ethnic group ever which is probably why they feel the need to control all the countries around them. When not buying penis enlargement pills of the internet they can be seen massacring Bosniaks, Croats, Kosovars, Albanians, Macedonians, Slovenes, and probably a few kittens as well.

Don't talk to Darko the Serb, he will kill you in the name of a Greater Serbia.

by Slobodan(I HRT COCK) Milosevic March 20, 2010

90๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who migrated from tribal parts of Asia and created Serbia. They are known for starting many wars in the past and caused WW1 and somewhat caused WW2, they got their asses whooped in every war they started. An average Serb hates anyone who is not white/christian, they are a race of mentally retarded people who are insanely jealous of countries like Albania,Turkey,etc. They also think they are Balkans when they aren't even close to resembling them physically and historically. They tried to cause an ethnic cleansing in Kosovo of non-Serbs and got their asses whooped by USA. Also they think that their mafia is bad ass even when people barely heard of the Serbian mafia because it is shit and not really worth mentioning, people of Serbia think their mafia is great even though they make their country look like crap. They have a tendency of picking on countries who either are developing/ just finished war but when Serbia attacks them like spineless pussys they get owned by other NATO who bombs the crap out of them.

They are basically jealous shitheads who start wars and lose them and also think they are Balkans when they aren't.

Serbia Crap Retards Lose every war

by robokomo09 July 22, 2010

115๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


Serbia is located in the north Balkans, Serbia is a Country that is mostly Orthodox and Serbian. However some people go to Serbia, they are Tourists. History: Serbia used to be an empire but crashed, THEN in 1912/1914 6 Assassins (also an Serbobosnian guy) killed Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and so started WW1. In the 1900's WW2 Serbia is an German Puppet THEN AND ONLY THEN is Yugoslavia formed... Suddenly Yugoslavia CRASHED and now in 2009 is Serbia Modern agian

We are going to Serbia for Summer!

by Cool Serbian guy February 11, 2022