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are you shitting on my pancakes

that's what i exclaim when i dont believe what i just heard or saw

alexander: wow, that caitlynn girl is pretty pimp tight yo

god: are you shitting on my pancakes?! she's more than pimp tight that girl is straight thug, hoe!

alexander: heck yes!

by ghetto mama April 19, 2005

39๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

are you shitting in my pants?!

in disbelief to the fullest extent.


Jim: Dude, I just hooked up with your sister!
Jeff: Seriously?! What the hell man! Are you shitting in my pants?!

Jim: >_> <_<... no

by Shinaynay January 14, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Are you shitting my dick

Are you being for real

Vivian are you shitting my dick right now

by cowboygoldfish April 18, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

It may be shit to you, but it's bread and butter to me

A typical Plumber to customer remark on viewing a well blocked toilet," It may be shit to you, but it's bread and butter to me"

Embarassed customer- I'm so sorry but the toilets full of floating shit and paper, it makes me want to throw up.

Plumber- Do not worry madam, It may be shit to you, but it's bread and butter to me.

by Cpt Crapper of Dick Scratching February 22, 2012

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are you shitting my dick

another way of saying; "are you kidding me?"
"are you shitting my dick?"

"Are you shitting my dick man? I just got that car and you scratched it!"

by ITSALLYLMFAO March 21, 2022

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are you shitting on my dick?!

an exclamation used when i dont believe something or someone.

Somechick: dude carlos just called me a data enry!

by CARLOSiSABiTCH November 23, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Look Before You Shit

The act to checking for sufficient toilet paper before sitting down to take a shit. This will help you to avoid having to yell for somebody outside the bathroom to get you a new roll.

Boyfriend: Um, honey, can you get me some toilet paper?
Girlfriend: Sucks for you, look before you shit!

by Dapts March 13, 2011

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