You Are an 11-year old who's friend called him a shitdick and you don't know what it means
Robert: Haha You're a ShitDick
Carl: What does that mean?
A slur that holds as much power as the n-word but isn't an racial slur. Being called a shitdick is the thing that starts wars.
Evan: *window peaks me like a little bitch*
Me: Fuck you stupid shitdick
(A more unconventional way)
Stupid shitdick nigger
A bloke named Molesty, that doesn’t answer his msgs/calls.
Fuck Molesty, he cant even answer his phone, the Shitdick Fag!!
when u had jimmy johns earlier in the day, then get fucked in the ass.
Defined by the lovely "ally"
After he fucked me in the ass I turned around to give him top but he had jimmy johns shitdick, courtesy of me