An action that can be performed during intercourse where you jizz in your s/o rear end and then they poop, causing the cum to cum out and then the poop.
Wow I had a great time with Gabi last night, we did the shooting star and I ate it out of the toilet
The sexual act of spreading open ones anus, so that your partner can defecate inside of it.
She asked me if I liked ass play... I unfortunately said yes... A shooting star is not something you want.
When you're having intercourse and before you cum, you turn off the lights and turn on a blacklight as you send your load through the night sky
"Hey mom! You wanna see a shooting star?"
A lot of amazing funny memes about flying people lol
Did you see that meme about the shooting stars song
Everyone knows this is a shit example lol
Another name for a meteor mostly mentioned in Geology (If you pay attention). The name for big meteors are called Fireballs.
P1: ''Hey! Its a shooting star!''
P2:''They're actually meteors"
That one song by Bag Raiders that you've likely heard in a meme compilation somewhere or other with somebody jumping/diving/falling and then the background cuts to space with the person in an infinite loop and a song playing.
Shooting stars memes are the best
some one who kills themselves due to pressure
Oh her, she's bound to be a shooting star