Pointless reference to an "outside" or "auxiliary" person who just happens to be both visibly present and observing da action dat's shown being performed by da main subject of a photo.
Okay, okay --- I suppose dat a lot of da readers of a newspaper/magazine-article might indeed like to know da names of all of da human-eye-candy individuals who are shown in an accompanying photo, but to identify da merely-extraneous photo-bombers by saying, "while So-and-So looks on" seems a bit overly dramatic! Surely they could just write, "So-and-So (left) shows So-and-So (right) how he does such-and-such"...??
A Bharatiya meme from Jasmeen Kaur, a Delhi-based entrepreneur.
wow wow wow cutie you are So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow
A phrase used to describe a person who is a little bit mischievous and naughty. ‘A cheeky little so & so’ is an endearing term usually describing someone you get on well and have good banter with.
Nick stop tickling me, you cheeky little so & so!
That cheeky little so & so, he flirts with everyone
a phrase to be used when ironically proclaiming the grandeur of a separate claim in order to undermine its credibility.
“he said he'd be up at dawn, so sayeth the so-sayer