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A political and economic system that has been completely and utterly discredited (most notably by the emininent Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.)

Sadly, many people, being generally ignorant of the laws of economics, are unable to come to terms with the fact that socialism, unlike free-market capitalism, is economically incapable of generating wealth and thus can only ever impoverish any existing society when implemented.

Many people are also of the opinion that socialism, while a good idea on paper, can never work in reality purely because of human selfishness, and not because of the afore-stated economic reason. These people are quite possibly the biggest culprits when it comes to holding back human social development, as they persist in blinding countless people to socialism's true shortcomings. (American colleges, for example, are hotbeds of left-wing propaganda.)

Ardent supporters of socialism are usually bitter, twisted individuals who hate life and everything it stands for. They often have an insatiable God-complex and, remaining deliberately blind to the existence of genuine altruism and compassion, wish to destroy humanity as it exists and remodel it in their own image.

Tell your kids to say "No" to socialism.

by UltraBeans February 7, 2007

227πŸ‘ 261πŸ‘Ž


Pussified capitalism.

Canada uses socialism; its like pussified America. If you screw up in Canada, the government's got your back. America could give a fuck if you're successful.

by K Dub HOLLA October 11, 2006

94πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


A type of government where everyone is given the basic living essentials for free, the way it should be. THat way you dont have to worry about health care and can focus on other things in life. with socialism, you're not fucked if you get into a car accident as far as finance goes

Socialism Does work, take a look at western europe. ENGLAND and Norway kick ass becuase you dont have to be scared of dying becuase your not rich enough/

by SCotron April 8, 2004

291πŸ‘ 355πŸ‘Ž


A economic system where People control enterprises. Every worker owns one share of his company, therefore nobody has more than one share, and the power is so desentralized that nobody could ever go corrupt. Like now but without that power-mongering owner.

Given a bad name, because it was used a long time ago under the control of dictator. But what dumbshits fail to realize is that world was coming out of Monarchy. People were used to being oppresesd, and there was mass starvation and chaos that the people were so tired of it they were willing to beleave in any Man who claimed he could bring stabiliy. Some men like this were Hitler, Lennin Stalin. At that time culture was designed for Monarchy, or dictatorship.
And also Karl Marx said that back then it woulden't have worked any way, It move from Democracy, to Socialism to Communism. So now people have a mentality to handle this system. A system without central power controlling. Then we can move to communism

Socialism fucking works

Comment submitted with request to delete; "Writer is rambling on about a Utopian wish, does not make a logical case based upon human experience, and does not seem to be particularly literate, which makes one wonder just how much they have read or studied the subject."

by D March 7, 2003

97πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


The dumbest shit ever conceived for lazy assholes.

Some moron: "socialism actually works"

by Jerkins July 27, 2019

22πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


When everyone pays for certain things like health-care. That way, ass holes who smoke or throw there life away dont have to pay fo it any more than any-one else.

France is where to go if you want to screw yourself and make others pay the consequences.

by Bob Hope III January 9, 2005

116πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž


1. Socialism is an economic system based on common ownership of the means of production. Socialism aims at equalizing income. Socialism abolishes private titles in capital, especially publicly traded stock. Citizens of a socialist state each receive a β€˜social dividend’ as equal owners of socialized capital. Social dividend payments can be either β€˜in kind’ through distribution of consumer goods or through cash payments.

2. Socialism is an economic system that abolishes markets for financial and real capital. Socialism prohibits private speculation for profit. Socialism substitutes central planning of capital investment for entrepreneurial planning. Socialism necessarily leads to centralized economic control by political authorities and is therefore antidemocratic. The political nature of socialism leads to mismanagement of capital investment and declining living standards.

3. Socialism is an economic system that transfers income from wealthy to poor. Socialism operates on the principle of β€œfrom each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Socialism entails incentive problems known as The Tragedy of the Commons. Socialism impairs incentives for labor productivity and the care of natural and capital resources. Western welfare-redistributive states constitute limited forms of socialism.

4. Socialism is an economic system where each is responsible for everyone but themselves.

state socialism
1. The USSR and its satellites
2. NAZI Germany
3. Red China

Semi-Socialist Welfare States
1. New Deal/Great Society America
2. The Swedish Welfare State 1950-1992
3. Pre Thatcher-Post 1960 England of the Labor Party
4. Post 1960 West Germany/Germany

by economicsprofessor January 1, 2008

84πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž