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Smashing Softies

A competition between two guys who are standing, have their pants down, and their penis' touching. The first one to get an erection loses.

I'm the king of smashing softies.
You think that, but no one really wins at that game.

by nedryerson November 8, 2010

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Mashing Softies

Lesbians having sex. Mashing their vaginas against each other.

Deb and Carol love mashing softies together.

by bstngrl June 25, 2009

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mr. softie

the act of taking a really soft, continous shit. It's as if your ass is a Cravel soft ice-cream machine and the flavor is always chocolate.

Damn, that mr. softie I just took sure smells really bad, but feels so good!

by lavazza July 28, 2006

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Bangin' a softie

The act of having sex with a fat person.

I threw up in my mouth a little when I walked in on my roommate bangin' a softie.

by Jilly Beane June 25, 2011

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aesthetic Softie

Zodiac signs that are one: Virgos,

Pisces's , Geminis's ,Aquarium's, cancers ,Libras

, Sagittarius's

An Aesthetic softie is Emotional In a kind a way person, a Quiet person, weak person , Sensitive & Rude , Artistic And Highy empathetic person , Also tuned with there emotions around people

by FaithfulhumanπŸ™‚ October 10, 2019

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throw a softie

defecate, excrete one's waste, crap, to discharge feces from the bowels, to discharge from the anus

I have to go to the bathroom now, or i'll throw a softie in my pants!

by Derek Godoy June 25, 2008


When you snap a chicks neck during intercourse

i was banging her, had a nam flashback, snapped her neck, then she went all cold-softy on me"

by linesteppersteve June 15, 2011