The style of dark, bass music that makes you feel like stabbing someone when you listen to it. (see stabby stab shuffle)
Ben I've got this new stabby step track i heard at the rave the other night that's gonna make you want to gut everyone you know!
A small but very uncomfortable pine or pike that has been lodged in between ones shirt and skin. Usually of the plant decent and are a lot of the time, discovered during sleep or slumber.
After John woke up an a sense of panic and after ripping off his sweat shirt and throwing it across the room, resulting in the zipper of the sweat shirt hitting him in the face. Soon he discovered that the culprit for his nighttime attacker was but a Pokey Stabby
Abby with a shiv. Need I say more.
Stabby Abby tends to conclude Crabby Abby or Throat Jabby Abby.
Marianne, who does marianne things
I am the silent witch of stabbiness
uh there is no example stabby eye's is just creepy