Cum suka dick means that the dick is a bitch wolf because suka means bitch wolf
Wow man I never knew you were such a cum suka dick guy
what an ignoarnt edgelord wannabe says not expecting for someone to try and turn it into a copypasta and will prob fail
person A: *imagery representing a racist terrorist group*
person B: wtf
person A: SUKA BLYAT, if you think that it is not funny, because "uuuuh! It was irl! Omg!" Just go eat sand, no one cares
This Russian phrase is actually incorrect grammatically. The correct word for 'blyat' is 'blyad' (spelled 'блядь')
The direct translation is bitch (for suka) and whore (for blyad).
This combination of words can be used to offend someone, but it is mostly used when the person saying it is frustrated with a situation.
Often used in video games when someone is on the losing side.
He screamed 'Suka blyat!' then punched the monitor and pulled the plug.
A common phrase in Russian (cyrillic: Сука Блять) that traditionally means Fucking Bitch (literally: Bitch Fuck), however, is basically just used as an expression at this point, and is one of the most common ways to cuss someone out in Russian.
Russian: Ty suka blyat'! Yob tvoyu mat!
Literally it means "bitch shit", this is cursing. It doesn't means "fuck you"
Suka blyat', Vadim, we running out of fuel!
this means "fucking bitch"
I'll kill you, suka blyat! - I'll kill you, fucking bitch!