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Guinness Godmother / Godfather

The designated person (usually an Aunt, Uncle, Parent, Grandparent or Close Friend of Your Mother) who always provides you at Christmas or Birthdays with the latest edition of The Guinness Book of World Records.

OMG, I got ANOTHER Guinness Book of World Records from my Guinness Godmother / Godfather this Christmas... soo predictable!

I had FOUR Guinness Godmother's last Christmas.. Made a fortune on Ebay and was able to buy the 257th edition of Batman Figurines!

I wish I had a Guinness Godfather.. I have never got the Guinness Book of World Records in my life.. I'll trade you one for one of the 20 t-shirts I got though!

by Banshee & Ghost October 25, 2007

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Myspace Mobsters Godfather

The creator/owner of the Myspace Application, Mobsters! He is a very unintelligent fool, who try's to fix things that aren't broken, and wont tell you how to use new things he adds.

"You can only send 16 energy boosts to your top mobs each day."

"The Myspace Mobsters Godfather is already dead."

by Donkey Puncherellis May 13, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur godfather a dog fucker

This insult dwarfs ur granny tranny, ur dad lesbian and ur mom gay. This insult can end someone’s life just by saying it

Peter: β€œCarl, ur mum gay, ur dad lesbian and ur granny tranny.”
Carl: β€œur godfather a dog fucker”
Peter: *dies*

by Paulffaaggoooott515 March 13, 2018

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Godfather BTB

Someone who is The Godfather of big time bitches aka BTBs

Lebron James is The Godfather BTB because of his move to Miami and other bitchassness

by GANJEWINXI January 7, 2021

Fairy Godfather

Your gay godfather that is really nice and has a really nice boyfriend.

Person 1: My Fairy Godfather is so fucking rich (and nice) that he bought a new lambo!
Person 2: goodbye

by J. THRESHER August 18, 2020

Godfather OG

Godfather OG, also known as "Godfather," "The Don of All OG's," and "OG Godfather," is a potent indica marijuana strain made by crossing XXX OG and Alpha OG. The effects of this strain are sedating and relaxing. Godfather OG is the go-to strain for medical marijuana patients looking to relieve symptoms associated with insomnia and pain. This strain features a flavor profile that is spicy and kushy, with undertones of subtle grape.

Person 1: When I smoked Godfather OG, I was high af and couchclocked.

Person 2: Yeah, and I had the munchies too, good shit!

by Summer of hell July 11, 2021


When her tits are so empty that you can fit them both in your mouth, thus giving your cheeks that Marlon Brando Godfather look

Come over here babe, let me suck on those empty tiddies till my cheeks look like the Godfather

by The Milk Man Cometh October 3, 2024