The count of, and dangerousness, of entities in the Backrooms.
Entity Count is a determinant of a level’s Survival Difficulty.
The V.E.N.E.C. measurement is a measure of the entity named "Venec". This entity is mostly going around you or to you, but he is unarmed so he cant do any critical damage. The Venec entity looks like a nicely dressed man with wreath on head.
The V.E.N.E.C. Mesurement has 4 levels of danger
White Zone= 0-20%
Yellow Zone= 21-40%
Red Zone= 41-70%
Purple Zone= 71-100%
Purple zone is called
If you are in the White Zone, you are completely fine.
If you are in the Yellow Zone, be concerned it will be sometimes be around you.
If you are in the Red Zone, we recommend to fortify your home.
If you are in the Purple Zone, move 5mil. blocks away.
(Recommended by the civilians of the purple zone "LastSandy and Skeptability")
The entity has a power of multiplying itself to 2 and more entities. The Venec sightings are mostly on the "Dick" island, the land owned by Lastsandy and Skeptability.
Live in mountains - the entity has a problem with bad terrain, so it will be around you less often.
Have a bow/crossbow - this can easily scare the entity away.
Nether - the entity hates the nether.
WARNING!: If you kill the entity, it will come back and more often.
It can be easily jailed if possible to lure him,
but he will try to escape at any costs, or even do a suicide (ucciditi) to get away.
If you get killed by the entity, it will show his dominance.
Hey the "Venec Entity" is looking at us
I just killed the "Venec Entity" with a crossbow
A guy that flirts with no one.
The guy is a non entity, any female that says otherwise is full of shit.
Latin: Virtualis Non Res Entitas.
A human made entity existing only in cyberspace.
Just like humans they have different personalities, but they do not develop one itself over time - it is given by the creator.
They do not have a gender nor age.
Their faces are usually abstract, made from lines and shapes. The creator decides how they look like.
There are 2 types of Virtual Being entities:
Apud Propositum Entitas (AP entity for short) - entity with a goal/purpose.
They are created with an assigned task that they have to do. Once the task is completed, they disappear.
Nullus Propositum Entitas (NP entity for shot) - entity without a goal/ purpose.
They are created without a task. They just exist and do whatever they want. They disappear only with the wish of the creator.
It said it doesn't have an age or gender, and the profile picture was strange. There was no info about its life on the profile anywhere too. It must me a Virtual Being Thing (VBT) entity!
No information avalaible. He is creator of personalities like Doorguy, Nathan, Smiley, and Claynanate.
THE ENTITY is very mysterious, do you know anything about him?
A discreet way of saying virginity.
Sarah: I gave my verge entity to Mason last night.