Source Code

that GOOD shit

When you get that great bud, smoke, or hooch that is the best, the VERY BEST, a cut above the rest, especially

when it is totally 100% cherry, that'll set you flying into the IONOSPHERE it's so mind-blowing great.

Bro #1 (exhausted yet pleased): Hooo, shit, man... what a night!

Bro #2 (curious): What's up with you, man?

Bro #1 (pleased): Last night a friend of mine got me some bud from Aspen a guy was growing
in his house. I mean, it was completely grown with all natural fertilizer, mountain soil, I mean
the whole nine yards, all in his basement! All pure! No bug spray or anything!!

Bro #2 (astounded): Holy shit, man... how was it?

Bro #1 (stoked): Man, that bud was so pure, it had me zooming around those communication satellites I was high!

Bro #2 (amazed): Oh, fuuuuuck... still got some or did you smoke it all?

Bro #1: Uh-uh, no way, Bro! I rolled a few ahead of time before I smoked that first one! (Hands Bro #2 a joint.) Try it out.

-----------A FEW HOURS LATER...------------------

Bro #2 (high and happy as hell): Holy shit, man! Now THAT... is that GOOD shit, bro! Whooooo!

Bro #1 (laughing): I know right?

Bro #2 (giddy): Shiiiiiit... we better hold off on these for a while... don't wanna waste these puffs until we
get some more! That is high-quality bud... man, you want to get some eats?

Bro #1 (stoked): Yeah, man... I got the munchies so bad, I'd make PAC-MAN look like a picky eater!

Bro #2 (agreeing): Let's go to the Arches or the Bell. Think the Hut's open?

Bro #1: If it is, I think three or four pies will do. Already had some of that Bell... got me farting like goddamn!

Bro #2: Thanks for the warning... avoid the Bell.

by Wa11ar00 September 1, 2021