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Usually the Massey Ferguson tractorr unless you go to new Zealand and find a STRAWBERRY BLONDE translucent freckled short boy with knee problems Ps:the tractors are nice too

What do you think of Massey?

What massey

The new Zealand one

Ooh well he sounds ranga so he better understand

by The An(n)onymous ;) <3 June 21, 2021

Massey Ferguson Chicken Jumper

One who chicken jumps with Massey Ferguson.

OMG, it’s a Massey Ferguson Chicken Jumper.

by Chicken Jumper May 3, 2021

Massey Ferguson Chicken Jumper

Massey Ferguson Chicken Jumper

Omg, did you see that? It’s a Massey Ferguson Chicken Jumper.

by Chicken Jumper May 3, 2021

Christopher Massey

Someone in the action figure community that claims they’ve been helpful to you in the past, when they’ve really just been super sketchy but were too high to notice

Man, Jim keeps acting entitled to my help, he’s really being Christopher Massey.

by Grover Thompson November 26, 2020