What one says when discreetly telling someone they’re gonna have sex/fist their girlfriend without him knowing
Bro 1 -Hey bro! “Like a puppet”
Bro 2-...haha yea bro..
meaning he’s joking about sex with his girl
Those who refute science with no evidence to back up their claims.
Kate doesn't understand the science behind vaccines. So instead of educating herself she became a shit puppet and started a pseudoscientific blog on facebook so she can spread misinfo to other shit puppets.
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Main Entry: Chuff·ter pup·pet
Pronunciation: \ˈchaf-tər\ \ˈpə-pət\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of Latin chufftious and Middle English popet youth, doll, from Middle French poupette, Date: 14th century
1 : The person on the receiving end of a clenched fist into the anal canal from a loved one or friend; specifically : refered to as the Chuffter Puppeteer or doer
Chuff·ter pup·pe·teer
Pronunciation: \ˈchaf-tər\\ˌpə-pə-ˈtir\
Function: noun
Date: circa 1923
: one who manipulates Chuffter puppets
Look at the way the person is walking, I bet he was somebody's "Chuffter puppet" last night!
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An actor.
After a chance meeting with a film star you admire, your friend might say "Why did you get so star-struck, he's only a fucking flesh-puppet!"
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so use the old puppet penis. When your trying to impress somebody your attracted to, you tie a string round your cock and balls and thread the rope string through your clothes to your hand discretely connect it to your hand or finger. When your talking to the one you like move it sharply giving they impression off instant sexual attraction. tell the person your getting movement downstairs they will instantly look and you can master the movement of the puppet penis. Its an instant turn on and you can nick name your penis Pinocchio after all it does get longer.
The sock used for male masturbation in a place where others share the same sleeping quarters.
John had a date with his bunk puppet every night after his dorm mates fell alseep.
Phrase coined by author Christopher Moore to refer to a female companion whose sole contribution to a relationship is the provision of sexual gratification. Can also refer to a male. Implies that, apart from looking good and having sex, the person has no other redeeming qualities.
"Fuck puppets. Every one of them has an apartment that some older executive guy is paying for - just like he paid for the health-club membership and the fake tits. They spend their days getting facials and manicures, and their nights under some suit out of his suit."
"So they're like mistresses?" Charlie said. "Like in Europe?"
"I suppose," Ray said. "But did you ever get the impression that mistresses worked this hard to look good? I think fuck puppet is more accurate, because when they get too old to hold the attention of their guy, they've got nothing more going. They'll be done, like marionettes with no one at the strings."
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