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Midlife Crisis

The reason why my dad has a Mustang in his driveway.

Fred: What's with your dad's car?
Joe: Midlife crisis.

by maxaddicted August 30, 2010

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Existential Crisis

Realizing that life is meaningless, worthless, or at best, a shit sandwich.

With the Grexit looming Christine is having an existential crisis. Being a disingenuous creep, and not wanting to face the possibility that she is simply just a highly paid shit supplier to the world shit sandwich market, Christine does not opt to reform the accumulated rot of the IMF but opts instead to blame Greece.

by WeDontCall911 June 21, 2015

91๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stud Crisis

When someone is playing a Lego game and they want to purchase something but don't have enough studs to do so, so they go though a bunch of shit only to realize that they still don't have enough studs so they go back and do more shit only for one fucking character only so they can do it all over again multiple times.

"I wanted to get a character but i had to go through a stud crisis."

by Robert Flinatro July 23, 2019

Midsummer Crisis

A period of psychological stress occurring in the middle of the summer, triggered by the realization that summer is nearly over and you haven't done half the things you wanted to.

When Jake woke up one morning and saw it was July 26th, he went into a full-blown Midsummer Crisis.

"Did you hear? Jake's having a Midsummer Crisis."
"Poor bloke."
"Yeah, he's been raging the last five days trying to rediscover June."

by John Average July 26, 2009

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crisis car

The hot little convertible sports car (any vintage, from classic to next year's model) that you just know was purchased by a guy with a combover as part of his midlife crisis.

Check out that red ragtop Corvette in front of Denny's! That's a crisis car if I've ever seen one. You know the driver is some old bald dude with a combover going through a divorce.

by Duxall Inarow June 3, 2010

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essay crisis

A crisis that involves an essay that is either overdue or due very soon. Often involves an all-nighter being pulled.

I'm having an essay crisis right now, so don't expect much from me tomorrow.

by litgrrl December 9, 2007

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financial crisis

(ECONOMICS) a shock to the industrial system caused by massive errors in investment decisions. In essence, financial crises are failures of the capital markets (stock exchanges, etc.) to do their job.

In the lead-up to a financial crisis, money entrusted to capital managers to invest is spent instead on bolstering the plutonomy. Then, when those same capital managers are overleveraged, it becomes obvious that the economy has been producing the wrong stuff; its corporations are therefore worth a lot less than everyone had supposed they were.

Then people sell their shares of stock, causing a liquidity crisis for many firms, which react by firing people and dumping anything of value at reduced prices.

This requires a lot of expensive genius to do well.

While there is little evidence so far that the 2008 financial crisis was engineered by any one perpetrator, the very same economic elites who caused it are now poised to benefit from it by imposing "disaster capitalism."

by Primus Intra Pares July 11, 2010

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