What a guyyyyy!!!
One of the best people you will ever meet
Charismatic and exciting
Over 6 feet :)
She is a good person and loves cats. She has the best family and is so kind. She will help you with anything you need!
Oh there goes Tobe! Shes soo nice!
Often used in ontario , canada as stoner slang
Slang for tobacco
Hunter- hey would you like some tobe?
If your name is Tobe your weird,confused all the time, beautiful and your nice/kind.
Hey whats your name?
Its Tobe!
Woah! Thats why your so kind and beautiful!
rolling a small amount of tabacco into the bong bowl before the weed is packed on top to get that extra little buzz
A douche bag who deserves to be burned
I packed joe a tobe stop and now he looks asian.
Hey look at that douche bag over there, I'd use him for a tobe stop.
Sexy, handsome, beutiful, and very very very stupid
Tobe cross is hot