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go touch some grass

The only argument antis have against us.

Larrie: *shows endless proof*
Anti: Ugh... Uhmmm.... I- Uhh ITΒ΄S FAKE GO TOUCH SOME GRASS!!!

by ibestlouie July 20, 2021

47πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

l bozo+ratio+noob+touch grass+nolife+dadless+cringe+get good

its used to describe an idiot or someone thats really dumb.

you suck l bozo+ratio+noob+touch grass+nolife+dadless+cringe+get good bozo

by capythany March 25, 2023

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full

L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full is a overused full hate word.

Nana: Bro stop posting cringe.
Emily: Hohoho, no.
Nana: L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full.

by BruhDictionary February 20, 2022

58πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full

L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full is a overused hate full word.

John: Stop posting cringe man.
Emily: Nah i'm posting many cringe videos for clout UwU
John: Bruh L+Bozo+Ratio+Touch grass+Noob+Newbie+Stinky+L Man+W Less+L Full.

by BruhDictionary February 20, 2022

14πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Absence of Grass Touching & Bathing Disorder (AGTBD)

~For further medical information, go to bigchungus.cum/agtbd~
AGTBD, also known as GCD (Grass contact deficets) is a condition that affects mainly teenagers, in the world, 1 in 30 have this condition, treatment such as expourse to grass, the habit of chilling outside and even conventional therapy
Syptoms include:
.Excessive (>12h) usage of modern social media (discord, twitter, ...)
.Weaker bones
.Lack of bathing
.Disability to get bitches
.Hyperfocusing in activities such as trying to get bitches online because you can't do it in rael life
Associated with conditions such as Dreamgender, Dreamsexuality (Yes, the bad one, not the good one) & Fatherlessness Reaction Episodes

"Unfourtently your son was diagnosed with Absence of Grass Touching & Bathing Disorder (AGTBD)"
"Oh no"

by Astronomicsmallchungustheorem June 12, 2022

i need to touch grass

when someone is thinking a bit too much about someone/things they want to do with someone so they need to take a breather

steve: are you ok?
charlie: yeah i need to touch grass

by the answers you need April 8, 2023

Touch Grass

it is used when somebody jokes about going outside as a meme.

The phrase "touch grass" is used when somebody jokes about going outside and is used as a joke in youtube comments

by T.S.G May 10, 2023