An unofficial branch off Chaos Theory, where the aftermaths produced from slight disturbances are observed in a phenomenon in which a sensitive system that is influenced by factors from such disturbances produce patterns that are irregular and entropic; resembling the shape of the organic branches or a fractal, maybe both.
From the patterns of water erosion engraved on earth, wave-like veins of a river, root-like systems in lightning and laminar smoke rising into turbulent mayhem all exhibit the Turbulent Tree Effect.
The Turbulent Tree Effect is not only confined within physical reality, it rather branches out to an evergrowing tree of mapped theoretical or probabilistic circumstance.
From the subtle shifts of sand and stone,
to the swirling streams of blue and green.
From the jagged forks of fire and light,
to the rising plumes of black and white;
All reveal a hidden truth unseen.
Where the slightest change can cause a storm,
where the order breaks into the wild,
where the systems bend and twist and split,
where the patterns grow and branch and fit.
All reflect a complex beauty mild.
Not just bound by nature's laws and forms;
but extending to the realms of thought.
Where the outcomes branch from every choice,
where the possibilities rejoice.
All connect a cosmic web of naught.
Turbulent Tree Effect (noun): A branch phenomenon of the Chaos Theory in which a system that is influenced by many factors produces random yet organized and fundamental patterns that are irregular and branching, resembling the shape of a tree or a fractal of chaotic properties.
From the veins of rivers that took decades to form, the root-like patterns of a lightning strike and the mayhem of turbulent smoke rising from a flame all inhibit the properties of the Turbulent Tree Effect.
Like fractals, the effect is a fundamental observations of the universe that seem random and unorganized. But these patterns are a result of harmonious entropy that makes nature stunning.
When you fart so idk I can't think of anything funnier then round goodness...idk what do you think... (I think it's shit)
Turn up the anal turbulance on this bifch (referring to explosive diarrhea)
I was swiping right one after another on tinder and then came across a patch of turbulence when the next 8 were ugly as hell itself.
Farting violently in your sleep.
Don't eat too many beans, you don't wanna get night turbulence!
Nut Sack Turbulance can mean many things!
1) Randomly Grabbing your nut sack and stuff!
2) Nutting with your nut sack and stuff and it causes Turbulance because the Nut Sack keeps moving.
3) Nutting with your nut sack while watching porn or cartoon porn and your brother or friend interrupts you, so you have the "which online girl is hotter" contest while nutting and wearing pants. Usually ends in going to the gym later.
4) Nutting the sack and there's pants covering it while in random outside places or the bathroom or office.
In almost all scenarios, you achieve PNC, then the mind gets clearer. Then you go to the gym later.
Edward: Nutting the sack in the bathroom to get ready to talk about Wall Street stuff.
*Nut Sack Turbulance!
Achieves PNC. Mind gets clear.
Blah blah blah trading stuff.
Wealth increases.
Does ten push-ups!
Nut Sack Turbulance is when you bust a nut to pr0n or cartoon pr0n and there's Turbulance. Sometimes you're just grabbing your nutsack and it causes mini Turbulance. You could probably bust to random videos and it causes Nut Sack Turbulance. Earthquakes and Destroyed cities and more. Not literally though, LOL!
Tyler: Busts to a random video or to pr0n with random music playing in the background or cartoon pr0n sometimes.
*Destroying cities!
*Crushed buildings!
* Nut Sack Turbulance ends.
Andre: What did you do?! EVERYTHING IS DESTROYED!
Tyler: *Grabs nuts.
*mini Turbulance.
*mini Turbulance ends.
*goes for a run.