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Flak Turret

A person who talks lots of B.S. about someone or somthing, usally the bratty highschool girls. Can be used to replace ''Bitch''.

Pedro: Gina is such a Flak Turret, she dumped me on facebook after i caught her poking josh!

Leroy: that sucks bro.

Josh: XD

by koro126 January 25, 2012

Group-me Turrets

Group-me Tourette (too-RET) syndrome is a disorder that involves posting repetitive words & gifs , or phases uncontrollably. For instance, you might repeatedly say Bo, state your on way to work or blurt out unusual sounds or phases in hopes of likes.

I think all my co-workers have group-me turrets

by Anonymous 202192 September 27, 2020

Turret Buddy

Can shit talk and sometimes bait his teammates. Be warned.

But is the best carry there ever is in videogames …..and in life.

Damn, Turret Buddy went 30-6 that last game.

by Reyna Main November 23, 2021

human turret

Someone who stares at you from across the room before sneaking up on you when you're not looking.

Why is Tom staring at me?
Probably just a human turret, being new.
See creep.

by Derpinson March 11, 2014


Something used in the famous Roblox game "The Red Lake' to either put on automatic and afk, sit and spin or do something useful (somehow).

also turret day on november 2nd

"Damn today's Turret day!"
"dis guy spin on the trl turret"
"zaarkrey prays to turret god everyday to buff it."

by TheRedLakeLover69 November 2, 2023


Oh, and I forgot to mention the turrets moving on their own. The military turrets aiming at their own planes.

Hym "THE TURRETS! I forgot about the turrets! Those are the most important part! Well... Aside from the other weapons. But the turrets are dope."

by Hym Iam August 14, 2023


code name for a gay fag

"turret is a fag"

by theyzel August 13, 2021