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This is a fraise commonly associated with animal rescue. This is the highest honor any animal rescue worker or volunteer could receive. The best, the queen, the twatwaffle. To be selfless in ones journey to save animals is to be a twatewaffle..

Candi is a twatwaffle because today she saved 3 animals but finding them homes

by Kristy KKkESUCH October 4, 2014

2πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Hypocritical Trump extremist who gives Christians a bad name.

Shanda is a MAGA-Twatwaffle.

by KarmaComes January 27, 2017

20πŸ‘ 18710πŸ‘Ž

Libtard Twatwaffle

An extremely stupid and naive Liberal who thinks that, while the entire world has failed under Socialism, they’re going to do it right. They are typically childish and love to hear fairy tales of the ogre β€œOrange Man Bad” and somehow think they’re going to live β€œHappily Ever After” if they can only have a full Democrat Congress. They are completely ignorant of the failures of Socialism and only want it because they’ll receive a check to sit on their butt all day playing video games in their mommy’s basement.

AOC is an actress paid to act like a Libtard Twatwaffle and push failed political ideologies to other Libtard Twatwaffles.

by TimeFoolery January 10, 2021

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle

Donald Trump, The 45th President of The United States of America.

He's a Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle who should've never been the leader of the free world.

by Hoe Lee Fuck June 27, 2017

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bitch Cunt Twatwaffle

I Love You, for men to say to other men without being all gay

Hey man, Bitch Cunt Twatwaffle

by socrates786 May 14, 2009

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


One who walks around without underwear on and get's an angry red waffle like pattern on their vagina, has a urine and shit fetish, and is either a lesbian or an extremely horny man. (Cunt Munching)

"Dude, where is that bitch Sara?"

"Ugh... You invited that Cunt-Munching-Shit-Surfing-Pee-Fucking-Twatwaffle?"

"Just because she's a lesbian whore that doesn't wear underwear you don't need to call her that... that's low."

by Aerospring98051 July 8, 2009

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the twatwaffle

A great perfectly executed foosball shot often seen in clutch situations, such as meatball,tie breaking, and/or championship point that was never intended by the shooter. Often mistaken for a legit fully intended shot,but usually a result of pure luck.

Tom jones made the twatwaffle countless times to obtain 6 trophies at the 2018 NC STATE CHAMPIONSHIP OF FOOSBALL.

by Tjcombo73 December 27, 2018