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Someone who doesn't eat meat, or any product made by animals. And they are not all crazy like that vegan teacher, infact, they hate her just as much as anyone! I am not vegan, though I don't eat pig, for moral reasons

Person 1 Hi Mrs. Johnson, what's dinner?
Person 2 Turkey.
Person 3 Oh, Person 2 can't eat turkey, she's vegan!
Person 2 Oh, in that case I will make salad, is that okay?
Person 1 Yeah, that's good!

by FluffyPuppy2011 July 29, 2022

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


self-centered scumbag that thinks they're a good person because they don't eat meat.

Person 1: Sup dude.
Person 2: I'm vegan
Person 1: Nobody fucking cares get off your high horse.

by Yo Boi L August 8, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A vegan is simply a practicing human herbivore.

All humans are herbivore by design.

That is an indisputable fact. (note: refer to Dr. Mills' "Comparative Anatomy of Eating" for a detailed analysis in chart format.)

Diet is the principle mode of earthly interaction and exchange. It is an essential feature of ecology that creatures function within certain behavioral 'niches' including dietary.

This is what enables nature's cooperative and supportive mechanisms to function and thus continuously renew and support all life. To not understand what we humans are designed to eat is so basic a misunderstanding that it has engendered many other destructive and self defeating behavioral forms including war and elitism.

This practical misunderstanding of our true herbivore natures also continues to bar our ability to commune as other animals do; openly, wholeheartedly and with a natural purity of spirit.

Vegans do not consume animal products or engage in behaviors that violate other animals' rights to life, habitat and nature determined experiences.

by Cheryl Maietta October 27, 2006

253๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is a Vegan on a mission

A Vegan is a person who has chosen a diet free of animal products.

The Vegan, after realizing the potential of a stomach that no longer is host to festering and rotting animal flesh and has freed oneself of pig fat, a Vegan is fore-ever changed.

The Vegan goes on a mission to change the world. However instead of killing and destroying mankind, a Veganator hosts Vegan parties, and puts down roots in country-side hippy fairs and exhibitions.

Note: The Vegans meet on the Planet Vegan, where they show little emotion and have pointy ears.

Dan: Did you see Jan at the Hoolo-Hip Fest selling couscous dishes ?

Steve: Yeah, what a veganator, she's the Arnold Swartzenaggar of the Hippie world

Dan: Did you see Jan at the Hoolo-Hip Fest selling couscous dishes ?

Steve: Yeah, what a veganator, she's the Arnold Swartzenaggar of the Hippie world

by Byron Whiteson III August 29, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


a. Someone who anthropomorphizes animals and endows with with human rights.
b. Someone who is self righteous
c. Someone who looks terribly emmaciated, most likely because of malnutrition, but also because of stressing out about animals being eaten and from protesting against carnivorism. These protests are typically caused by the psychological need for attention and/or as a form of rebellion against society.

a. "That cow has the same rights as you or me...."
b. "Um....did you know that the chicken in that sandwich you're eating was stuffed in a cramped cage and not allowed to move? You need to become vegan, or at least vegetarian"
c. "PETA!!!!! ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO!....hang on I have to sit down for a second I think my leg snapped"

by Cliff Whitty August 1, 2006

201๐Ÿ‘ 276๐Ÿ‘Ž


An idealistic person whose idea comes off as noble (or so they hope) but really is impratical. They fail to realize that harvesting crops always kills free animals that are caught in the combines that collect their veggies and fruit. Regardless of this obvious fact (which is supported by several university studies) vegans tend to be holier-than-thou bunch with a small minority of polite and tactful people. Vegans will often support terrorist groups such as PeTA and ALF/ELF and claim the end justifies the means. Nevermind PETA officers have been caught with lots of leather shoes and belts and PETA euthanizes thousands of animals a year. It's what "in" right now for idealistic college students who have life pretty good. Veganism is generally not what one would consider healthy or natural, nor is the current trend of high meat consumption, but you need meat and dairy in your diet. Veganism also opposes genetically engineered food, claiming it is unnatural to create food that is better suited to survive the harsh climate of drought and help ease world hunger. Idealism beats Realism, right?

Joe being a vegan, asked the waitor at a MEXICAN restraunt if they cooked their beans with pork. When he was given the obvious answer of "Si!" he scoffed and tried to educate the ignorant brown man about veganism. The Mexican guy ignored the stupid gringo and rubbed his pubes on Joe's food for being an arsehole (real life experience).

by Samuel Macon May 4, 2006

187๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that does not eat or use anything processed from an animal. They do not eat any forms of meat, cheese, fish, etc. They do not wear/use leather products, or products made from an animal. (Most are organic product shoppers and farmer's market shoppers etc.)

1: "Oh look at this jacket!"
2: "It's leather..."
1: "Yeah...?"
2: "I'm a vegan!"

by PARTYTOY February 11, 2009

76๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž