Watermelon Sugar is a metaphor for something that just does not exist. It seems plausible, because artificial watermelon flavor usually has sugar added. But an actual watermelon has no sugar, in fact people add salt instead. So it could also possibly be an ironic example that is substituting sugar for salt .
She is just too good to be true, she's watermelon sugar.
She appears to be sweet, but at closer taste most definitely salty.
A pop song by Harry Styles played on the radio too many times.
Brad: “Have you heard Watermelon Sugar?”
Tony: “Yeah I heard it for the fourth fucking time within the span of an hour on the radio.”
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In Watermelon Sugar is a book by Richard Brautigan, that describes the fantasy world of the counter-culture/hippies. It's about making love and tigers who help you with multiplication then go back to eating your parents and not saying your name. It's very trippy/far out.
His VW bus was such a trip on the inside, he had to name it Watermelon Sugar, and when you came out of it, your whole world changed; just because you had been inside Watermelon Sugar.
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In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done, and done again, as my life is done in Watermelon Sugar. -Richard Brautigan
"I'll tell you about it because I am here, and you are distant" -Richard Brautigan, In Watermelon Sugar
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After a significant amount of time, it feels like this is just an inside joke between UD users and the mods. Its been 2 years why is this still on trending, please send help
Jacob: Why is watermelon sugar still trending?
Logan: At this point does it even matter? Its going to die only with the heat death of the universe
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A word that has simply lost all meaning throughout history. It’s definition has faded into obscurity after being trending on Urban Dictionary for almost two years. But eventually the word will phase from existence; and this is how the website will die. This is how everything dies.
When Watermelon Sugar stops trending, we die.
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the word that won't stop trending on The Urban Dictionary
Why the fuck is watermelon sugar still trending on The Urban Dictionary
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