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The one girl at a party with her tits and arse hanging out. Buy her a drink and she is your sex slave for the night. Can't find her? She is the one gurning in a corner skanking out to 80's music.

"Holy shit, is that an animal in the club?"

"No dear, that's a Webb-Gabell"

by what the hell is that? December 19, 2011

hannah webb

Hannah Webb is beautiful, amazing, kind and perfect in every possible way. Her body is out of this world, she is always there to make me smile and is always laughing and Is the best at cuddling, honestly she is the best girlfriend anyone could ask for.

Hannah Webb is literally the best

by JJBomm July 22, 2015

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Sarah Webb


That Sarah Webb chick is like the hottest person ever

by kalikookie June 21, 2015

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richard webb

biggest pile of shit on this planet,dick,asshole,cunt,bitch ect....

fuck richard webb

by 69golfclub February 1, 2016

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parker webb

the biggest pimp there ever was. not so much of a pimp or a tennis player as a player hatin mutha fukin bad ase

parker webb sticks his weiner in many things, such as flowers, spider men, and noses

by jackolantern December 14, 2004

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Colin Webb

A total savage at anything he does. The COMPLETE package

Colin Webb is awesome at sports

by C.Webb July 11, 2008

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Webb Tactics

Webb Tactics is a method used for getting away from a girl after you have pulled her on a night out. This method is usually employed when you have left a club and witnessed the full features of the young lady you have just been trading saliva with.

The method itself is firstly to distract your young lady friend by asking for her number or pointing at something, and when she looks away, run like hell in the opposite direction and don't stop until you are out of the line of sight.

First made famous by M.Webb after pulling what can only be described as a wardrobe, realising his mistake and running 2 miles to get home. It is now his one and only escape plan.

'Why is Chris running down the road?'
'Oh, he's just using Webb Tactics on that 3 out of 10'

by Alien89 June 30, 2013